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Pricing Strategy and Certification Problem about CaptiVoice

  1. Pricing
  • Develop the pricing strategy that will result in the highest profits in the proposed market, including the optimal price point, as well as the way the price should be charged (subscription, bulk pricing, retention bonus, repeat customer discounts, financing, etc.).


This blog and this article offer a good overview of some of the available pricing strategy options.


customer classification-different pricing strategy

referral bonuses + repeat customer discounts

find some information about the competitor’s market prices





  1. Certification
  • Does ReadReady need to be certified to be sold in the proposed market? If yes, how could such certification be obtained?
  • Are there any other legal requirements or cultural necessities with respect to the product packaging, labeling, branding, etc.?



Find a third party to help CaptiVoice with the certification in order to improve the competition in the Africa market.

Before posting the product in the market, combine the legal requirements or cultural necessities.


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