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Product Marketing on kiwi products

Student Name [type] …. Student Number [type] …
Assessment 2: Mid-semester case study [MSCS] [35 marks]
Activity [backpacking New Zealand]
Learning objective: To ensure that students study and understand the marketing concept, a marketing philosophy, and the buyer decision process.
Task: An assessment scenario will be uploaded to Blackboard, two weeks prior to the due date. Students will be asked to study the assessment scenario [case study] and complete a series of questions that consolidate the learning outcomes of the unit up to the end of section 2.
Marking Rubric: The CCSS marking rubric will be employed. 4 questions, each question will be worth equal marks, each question has a 1-page limit.  Marks will be awarded as follows:

  • Content 30%
  • Context 30%
  • Synthesis 20%
  • Structure 20%

Please use this document to answer each question and then upload this document via the assessment 2 Blackboard link.
Please Note: You should visit the Kiwi Experience website to gain an understanding of this product. However, as this assessment is directed towards the learning outcomes of the unit and the material in the e-book, an internet search for marketing theory will be pointless.
Critical: All students must save their document as A2XXXXXX A2 represents the assessment and XXXXXX represents the student’s unique student number. This will avoid any two assessments having the same document name.
Hint: Please ensure that you employ the language and concepts of marketing and that you address the learning objective when completing the following tasks. An infrequent student mistake, but worth highlighting, is to fall in love with the example and ignore the unit learning. Keep in mind marks will be awarded on how well you demonstrate that you have addressed the learning outcomes of the unit.
Warning: It is your responsibility to take appropriate steps to save and protect your work with regular back-ups.
Website to be used:
Please also see attached copy of PDF book for further content to be used for this assignment
Statement: The buyer decision process varies according to the customer, the organisation, the market, and the product. The buyer decision process has 3-time zones; the first-time zone is purchase behaviour. It is often overlooked that after selecting a product a customer will form expectations which will be assessed and evaluated in the second and third time zones.
Task 1: Using the Kiwi Experience product demonstrate your understanding of the first-time zone and the steps a consumer may take when selecting [or not selecting] this product. Ensure you also discuss how expectations influence customer satisfaction.
Statement: The total product is the totality of what an organisation delivers to the customer – what is promised, therefore, what is expected, what is delivered, and what are the total costs to the customer.
Task 2: Given this statement, holistically, demonstrate your understanding of the total product relevant to the example.
Statement: There are a number of product considerations that would be of importance to the marketing manager of this business.
Task 3: Identify the most important [relevant] product considerations [6] and then discuss the implications, from the perspective of a marketing practitioner, each selected product consideration.
Statement: There are 6 product components in the total product [goods, services, ideas, experiences, people, and places].
Task 4: Identify the product components within the Kiwi Experience product; rank them by importance; justify your decisions. 

Task 1: Using the Kiwi Experience product demonstrate your understanding of the first-time zone and the steps a consumer may take when selecting [or not selecting] this product. Ensure you also discuss how expectations influence customer satisfaction.
Task 2: Given this statement, holistically, demonstrate your understanding of the total product relevant to the example.
Task 3: Identify the most important [relevant] product considerations [6] and then discuss the implications, from the perspective of a marketing practitioner, each selected product consideration.
Task 4: Identify the product components within the Kiwi Experience product; rank them by importance; justify your decisions.

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