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PS 11/Econ 11:

PS 11/Econ 11 –Reading Response Assignments
Instructions: Please answer BOTH questions to the best of your ability. Each answer should no less than half a page single-spaced, but will probably require more than this. Your entire reading response should be anywhere from 1-2 pages single-spaced (500-1000 words). You are required to use your textbook but are also welcome to use outside sources as well. Please be sure to put things into your own words, do not write phrases directly from the text. Some questions will require you to simply summarize the information. Other questions will require you to think critically and present your own critique, argument, or opinion. Be sure to explain your answers and opinion, providing extensive evidence.
Rubric: A good paper will have the following

  • A clear and original argument (this means going beyond just summarizing what the text says, take a stance on the issue and defend your stance)
  • A detailed introduction paragraph that provides a roadmap to your paper. I should be able to read your introduction and know exactly what you will argue/talk about in the rest of the paper.
  • Evidence that supports your argument (quantitative like statistics or data or qualitative like your own life experiences, work, or historical examples)
  • The paper has thoroughly answered ALL of the questions
  • The paper uses citations from the text and possibly outside sources
  • No grammatical or syntax errors- make sure you read and edit your paper.

Citations: If you cite something directly from the book please put the pg. number in parentheses at the end of the sentence as such: (pg. # ). You do not need to provide a bibliography or works cited pg. if you only use the textbook. If you use outside sources (internet, books, etc.) please use APSA format and include a works cited/bibliography.  You can find APSA format instructions here: or

  • Reading Response 1- DUE August 30th

Describe the 3 main perspectives (also called “ideologies”) of International Political Economy.  Which perspective do you find most convincing—that is, which one offers the most accurate description of politics and economics? Use evidence from the history and current events to support your argument.

  • Reading Response 2- DUE September 13th

Explain the arguments for free trade. Why do so many people still oppose free trade policies? Is your country more protectionist or liberal when it comes to trade? Make 3 trade policy recommendations for your country.

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What causes financial crises? What caused the 2008 global financial crisis? Who is to blame for 2008 and what lessons should be learned? How should U.S. policy reflect those lessons?

  • Reading Response 4- DUE October 18th

What are the primary differences between liberal and coordinated market economies? What are some of the consequences of each system (i.e. employment, wages, commodities produced, policies concerning regulation, vocational training etc.) What is your country? Which system would you prefer and why? Is there anything that the author’s are missing-do you have any criticism for their explanations?

  • Reading Response 5- DUE October 30th

What are the explanations for Africa’s economic stagnation and extreme poverty? What are the solutions? Is it foreign aid? More trade? What do you think? Be sure to defend your argument.

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