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PSUSA Secondary Data Nike Company SWOT Analysis & Segmentation Strategies Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

➢The word count is 400-500 words➢ Justify and link theory to practice throughout the report ➢ First: Introduction and Company choice (Nike) Briefly introduce the chosen company, its orientation and justify your choice. Second: Discuss the following concepts in relation to your chosen company: 1) SWOT Analysis Analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the chosen company and discuss how the different factors (including competition) have influenced the company. 2) Segmentation strategies Identify the chosen company segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategies.Referencing ▪ Use academic references ▪ Use in-text referencing ▪ Include a reference list at the end ▪ Use a minimum of 2 academic journals

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