PSY1011 Assignment 2
Assignment 2 (15%): Critical Thinking Exercise – Literature Review
Before you begin… Choose ONE of the topics below!
We encourage you to select the same topic that you did for Assignment 1, however this is not mandatory; the decision is up to you.
TOPIC 1: Personality
Case study… “Emma is 28-years old, and has recently completed her Master in Human Resource Management and is applying for a new job as a HR Services Officer, working for Government. After having her application short-listed, Emma was invited to come in for the first round of interviews. Upon arrival she was presented with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2). Emma is now currently waiting for the next stage of the application process, to see whether she has progressed any further.” With this case study in mind, consider the following research question:
How effective are personality tests in finding a suitable candidate during job recruitment?
Tarescavage, A. M., Brewster, J., Corey, D. M., & Ben-Porath, Y. S. (2014). Use of prehire Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2–Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) police candidate scores to predict supervisor ratings of posthire performance. Assessment, 22(4), 411-428. DOI: 10.1177/1073191114548445
Topics: To take the first steps towards completing this assignment, please only choose one of the four topics listed with starting references. You will then be expected to use the literature search skills that you have obtained during your consultations to find at least seven relevant journal articles to reference as evidence in your literature review. Please note: the topics have been broadened/adjusted slightly since Assignment 1 to make Assignment 2 easier for you.
Case Studies: Please note, the following case studies are fictitious, and are not based on real persons or scenarios. However, we have chosen to highlight issues that are currently present in today’s society whilst also relating them closely to some of your lecture topics and readings.
Remember, these case studies are for illustrative purposes only; please choose one of the following topics and find three articles related to that topic. Do not refer to these case studies in your assignment!
TOPIC 2: Learning
Case study… “Throughout his childhood Steve watched his mother being physically and verbally abused by his father. His mother bore the abuse silently which angered Steve. Occasionally, Steve would also be a victim of his father’s violence. Steve would be spanked and often punished. Steve’s father would always blame Steve and his mother for his violence. As a result Steve is now a bully, has poor concentration, hyperactivity, and a tendency to be aggressive himself.” With this case study in mind consider the following research question:
What is the role of observational learning in domestic and family violence?
Fowler, D. R., Cantos, A. L., & Miller, S. A. (2016). Exposure to violence, typology, and recidivism in a probation sample of domestic violence perpetrators. Child Abuse & Neglect, 59, 66-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.07.007
TOPIC 3: Developmental Psychology
Case study… “As a child, Sarah loved hanging out with other boys. During the transition into adolescence, she started to feel uncomfortable in her own skin and didn’t like having to use different bathrooms and change rooms to all of her friends. Her uncomfortableness was particularly amplified during puberty when she started physically developing differently to the other boys. As she became older, she started to learn that what she was experiencing what was known as “Gender Dysphoria”; the struggle between one’s biological sex and their own gender identity. After coming to terms with this at age 16 years, she made the decision to begin the transition from Sarah to Shane.” With this case study in mind consider the following research question:
How can biological factors influence the development of a person’s gender identity?
Luders, E., Sánchez, F. J., Gaser, C., Toga, A. W., Narr, K. L., Hamilton, L. S., & Vilain, E. (2009). Regional gray matter variation in male-to-female transsexualism. Neuroimage, 46(4), 904-907. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.048
TOPIC 4: Cross-Cultural Psychology
Case study… “Zhang is an immigrant from Asia currently studying at a university in Australia. He is having difficulties adjusting to the unfamiliar Western culture due to his cultural values and beliefs, cultural taboos in relation to social behaviour, his previous education system, and his poor English speaking abilities. Zhang is experiencing anxiety, loneliness and depression and has been recommended to see a psychologist for his problems. With this case study in mind consider the following research question:
Evaluate the importance and usefulness of cross-cultural training for health professionals.
Mak, A. S., & Shaw, T. L. (2015). Perceptions of intercultural social challenges: Towards culturally competent counselling practice. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 25(2), 183-199. DOI: 10.1017/jgc.2015.13
Assignment 2: Critical Evaluation Exercise (15%)
The Critical Evaluation Exercise is the major written task for PSY1011, worth 15% of your final mark for the unit. This year, it will take the form of a 1000 word literature review. Your oral presentation and written summary has been building to this final task. You will receive a mark out of 10 in Moodle for the literature review. Please familiarise yourself with the marking criteria for this assignment (see the “Assessments” section of Moodle). Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with all of the guides and resources available to assist with this assignment.
What are the literature review topics?
The literature review topics are the same as for the Oral Presentation and Written Summary. You do not have to base your assignment on the same topic as Assignment 1, but it is highly recommended. You may use the starting reference previously provided to complete your literature review in addition to at least six other references, otherwise you need to have at least seven brand new references total. These can include the articles you chose to summarise in Assignment 1 IF they are relevant to your overall literature review.
Please note: seven references are the minimum requirement. There is no maximum limit. You are marked on the quality of your work. It is possible that you will require more than seven references to demonstrate the qualities outlined in the marking rubric (i.e. depth of coverage, identifying central issues and concepts) – so aim higher if you can!
Remember to include:
• Title Page (adhering to APA 6th Edition Formatting; use Findlay’s textbook as a guide)
• Introduction
• Body (reviewing recent literature – i.e. 2006 & above)
• Conclusion
• Reference List (adhering to APA 6th Edition Referencing)
The word LIMIT for the literature review is 1000 words (+/- 10%). The title page and reference list are not included in the word count. In-text citations are included in the word count.
What file format should my uploaded file be in?
You must save Assignment 2 Critical Thinking Exercise (Literature Review) as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file and upload this file for marking. Make sure you keep a copy of your work and back up this copy as well in case we cannot open / read your Word file. If you have followed the process correctly you will see a little Microsoft Word icon (looks like a blue W) beside the name of your saved Word file as it appears at the bottom of this page. If you have a question mark icon beside your file then it is likely that you either did not follow the instructions above and / or you have uploaded a file in the wrong file format, so you should try again.
What if I still need help?!
• Read through the above instructions AS WELL AS the Assignment FAQs on Moodle
• Read through the marking rubric (on Moodle) to know what you are being assessed on
• Attend as many if not all of your Consultations to get the help and guidance you need from your tutor who will be marking your assignment
• Buy or borrow a copy of Bruce Findlay’s textbook “How to write psychology research reports and essays” for further guidance on APA referencing, formatting, and scientific writing within Psychology units
• If you are still stuck, you are welcome to post on your tutor’s discussion forum OR the general discussion forum for further assistance
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