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Purpose of this AssignmentThis assignment gives you

Purpose of this Assignment<br/>This assignment gives you

the opportunity to apply your research skills, analysis, and critical thinking skills to describe one of the enterprise architecture (EA) frameworks. This will provide you an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of one of the frameworks commonly used. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes:

-describe enterprise architecture (EA), the appropriate application of EA frameworks, and an overall ongoing EA program
-analyze and examine how enterprise architecture and enterprise systems influence, support, and enable an organization’s ability to contribute to strategic decision making and to respond and adapt to the business environmentAssignment
Select one of the enterprise architecture frameworks listed below:

-Zachman Framework
-The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
-Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF)
-DoD Architecture Framework (DODAF)
-Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework (TEAF)

Enterprise Architecture Framework Research PaperPurpose of this AssignmentThis assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your research skills, analysis, and criticalthinking skills to describe one of the enterprise architecture (EA) frameworks. This willprovide you an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of one of the frameworkscommonly used. This assignment speciFcally addresses the following course outcomes:describe enterprise architecture (EA), the appropriate application of EA frameworks,and an overall ongoing EA programanalyze and examine how enterprise architecture and enterprise systems in±uence,support, and enable an organization’s ability to contribute to strategic decisionmaking and to respond and adapt to the business environmentAssignmentSelect one of the enterprise architecture frameworks listed below:Zachman ²rameworkThe Open Group Architecture ²ramework (TOGA²)²ederal Enterprise Architecture ²ramework (²EA²)DoD Architecture ²ramework (DODA²)Treasury Enterprise Architecture ²ramework (TEA²)Research and write a paper that describesthe chosen framework. Your description shouldinclude the framework’s purpose, scope, principles, and the kinds of structures it uses, asappropriate to the framework.Then, explain the framework’s strengths and weaknesses.You should Fnd atleast two examplesof organizationsthat have used the framework andbrie±y discuss them.(NOTE:More than two examples are required to receive all possiblepoints; see Grading Rubric below.)Your paper will be graded on both the accuracy and completeness of your description; itneeds to clearly and completely deFne the framework and its strengths and weaknesses.Illustrationswill enhance your paper if they contribute to an understanding of theframework.Your paper should be3-5 pagesin length (not counting any cover sheet or referencepages). The use ofat least three external scholarly resources(other than classmaterials) is required. (NOTE: More than three external resources are required to receive allpossible points; see Grading Rubric below.)You should usescholarly journals(rather thanWikipedia and authorless website postings). If you need assistance with determining what ascholarly journal is, the UMUC library is a very good source of information, accessed via thefollowing link: Remember to correctly citeand reference all sources using APA format.Submit your paper in Word format via your Assignments ²older as an attached documentwith your last name included in the Flename.7/8/20141
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Grading RubricUse the rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of this assignment.Criteria90-100%Far AboveStandards80-89%AboveStandards70-79%MeetsStandards60-69%BelowStandards< 60%WellBelowStandardsPossiblePointsIntroduction5 PointsAsophisticatedintroductionsets thestage forthe paper.4 PointsA well-writtenintroductionsets thestage forthe paper.3.5 PointsTheintroductionadequatelysets the stagefor the paper.3 PointsTheintroductiondoes notadequatelyset thestage forthe paper.0-2PointsNointroductionincluded.5Description ofFramework-Quality18-20PointsDescriptionofframeworkis clear andthoroughanddemonstratessophisticatedunderstanding of courseconcepts.16-17PointsDescriptionofframeworkis clear andcompleteanddemonstrates goodunderstanding of courseconcepts.14-15 PointsDescription offrameworkincludes themain points,anddemonstratesadequateunderstanding of courseconcepts.12-13PointsDescriptionofframeworkmay beincomplete,and/or maynotdemonstrate adequateunderstanding of courseconcepts.0-11PointsDescription offrameworkis notincludedor little ispresented.20Description ofFramework-Coverage27-30PointsSophisticateddescriptioncoverspurpose,scope,principles,types ofstructuresused, asappropriateto theselectedframework.24-26PointsClear andcompletedescriptioncoverspurpose,scope,principles,types ofstructuresused, asappropriateto theselectedframework.21-23 PointsDescriptionadequatelycoverspurpose,scope,principles,and types ofstructures, asappropriateto theselectedframework.18-20PointsDescriptionmay notadequatelycoverpurpose,scope,principles,and/or typesofstructures,asappropriateto theselectedframework.0-17PointsLittle or nocoverageof theseareas isprovided.30Strength9-10 Points8 Points7 Points6 Points0-5107/8/20142
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