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Question 11 for Practice Quiz 6 UMUC MGMT 650 Statistics

Question 11 for Practice Quiz 6 UMUC MGMT 650 Statistics Match the nine questions with the nine answers:


To test HO: u l = u 2 = u 3,

Are two processes equally accurate,

Is the class average at least 85

Rental car gasoline prices per gallon were sampled at eight major airports for Hertz and National Car Rental companies assuming variances are equal,

HO: Categories are independent,

Rental car gasoline prices per gallon were sampled at eight major airports for Hertz and National Car Rental companies,

One-Sample test of jeans with population variance known

Is the average of classes at least 80%,

To determine the effect of a new drug for diabetes measurements of blood sugar are taken from 250 people before and after administering the drug.


1. Test of 2 Variances

2. t-test of paired data

3. One-sample t-test of mean

4. Test of 2 means separate variances

5. One sample z test of proportion

6. test of 2 means equal variance

7. One-sample


9. Chi Square

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