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Select a company from Part 5 of our text (Cases).

Select a company from Part 5 of our text (Cases). There are 35

companies to choose from. Do not use any company that you previously

wrote about in previous classes. This must be original research. In

addition to the information in your text, research this company using at

least (2) outside scholarly articles. Do not use a website as a reference.

Your reference source must have an author. Discuss six selected topics

from our studies throughout weeks six and seven (chapters 9 – 12).

Discuss these six topics in relation to your company and also incorporate

the issue of managerial economics within your company and how the

economic situation of today influences the strategic decisions your

company is making. Each of the six topics discussed should be in bold

print. For example, one topic you may choose may be how your

company attains balance between culture, rewards, and

boundaries. Another topic may be your company’s organizational

structure and why they have the structure they have.

This is for a class, MGMT 410 with American Public University // American Military University. I found a paper over Samsung but was looking for a different paper to use. I’m struggling with this course. Can I get some help to get a paper?

This is the book it’s from:

Dess, G. G., Lumpkin, G. T., Eisner, A. B., McNamara, G. (2014). Strategic management creating competitive advantages, (7th Ed.). NewYork, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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