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So I am having trouble writing this in Visual Studio as a console application (C++),

So I am having trouble writing this in Visual Studio as a console application (C++), here is what I tried running

but it’s not working for me. Could someone help me? my code:

// ConsoleApplication3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

// —————————————————————

// Programming Assignment: LAB1C

// Developer: _____Mark Baker____________

// Date Written: ______03/10/2018___________

// Purpose: Ticket sales at movie theater

//use fixed and setprecision(2) to format the number

//use setw(8) to control the width of the field

//use t to control the spacing between fields

// —————————————————————

#include “stdafx.h”

#include <iomanip>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


double totalAdult, totalChild, grossProfit, netProfit, distributorAmt;

int adultTkts, childTkts;

cout << “Please enter number of child tickets: “;

cin >> childTkts;

cout << “Please enter number of adult tickets: “;

cin >> adultTkts;

cout << totalChild = (6 * childTkts);

cin >> totalAdult = (10 * adultTkts);

cout << grossProfit = totalAdult + totalChild;

cin >> netProfit = (grossProfit * 0.2);

cout << distributorAmt = grossProfit – netProfit;

cout << Output = grossProfit;

cout << Output = netProfit;

cin >> Output = distributorAmt;

cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

cout << “Gross Profit :t $” << setw(8) << grossProfit << endl;


Write a program that calculates and displays the revenue earned from ticket sales at a movie theater.

Input: Prompt the user for the number of adult tickets. Prompt the user for the number of child tickets.

Process: Perform the calculations. The adult tickets cost $10.00 and the child tickets cost $6.00. The theater keeps 20% of the gross box office profit, and the rest goes to the movie distributor.

Output: Display the results.

Sample Output from Lab 1:



Pseudo Code:

1. Declare variables

2. Accept Input – child tickets and adult tickets

3. Calculate Child ticket total = child tickets* 6

4. Calculate adult ticket total = adult tickets * 10

5. Calculate gross profit = child ticket total + adult ticket total

6. Calculate net profit = gross profit *0.2

7. Calculate distributor amount = gross profit – net profit

8. Display the following on separate lines and format variables with $ and decimal.

a. Gross Profit    value of gross profit

b. Net Profit      value of net profit

c. Distributor Amount   value of distributor amount

//include the iomanip header file at the top of the file

#include <iomanip>

//use fixed and setprecision(2) to format the number

//use setw(8) to control the width of the field

//use t to control the spacing between fields

cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

cout << “Gross Profit :t $” << setw(8) << grossProfit << endl;

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