Sociology of Education
2. Please submit your paper in class as a hard copy and ALSO here, clicking “submit” online.
3. Length: between 5 and 6 pages. Font: anything classic like Times, Palatino, etc., size between 10-12. No cover page is necessary, you may simply write your name, class and section on the header.
4. Purpose: Your mini-proposal should answer the following prompt: If you could design your own sociology of education research project, what would it be? Since this is just an exercise, we will not include certain things regular proposals have, like budgets or ethical statements, but doing this should help you learn to identify sociological topics, questions and methods within the sphere of education.
5. Content. Your proposal should include the following parts:
a. A statement of the research problem or topic and the research question. This section should make clear what you want to study, and even point at some reasons why it is important to study it. You may need to so some pre-research to be able to fully articulate your idea, question and significance.
b. a short review of the literature pertaining to your project, its topic or its question. A minimum of three sources are required: one classical theoretical source (e.g. Marx), one contemporary theoretical source (e.g. Bourdieu) and one present-day work published in a peer-reviewed journal. It is a good idea to add complementary sources like other peer-reviewed articles, a recent academic book (e.g. Lareau’s or Tierney’s) or research and policy papers. Do not describe everything your chosen sources say-just say how they are connected to your idea and how they support your project. If you have a hypothesis, you may choose to articulate it in this section.
c. Describe what method(s) you would use to study your question. If your methodology includes humans (e.g. surveys, interviews) explain who you would choose and why (sampling logic.) If your methodology is place-bound (e.g. ethnography) then describe why you chose a particular place.
Include a list of references cited at the end of your minipaper. Your citations should follow the style of ASA. You may find a brief guide to it here.
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