Spanish Transition Words
Different Types of Transition Words
As you learn to speak and write more Spanish, you’re going to want to be able to better connect different parts of a sentence. In other words, you’re going to need the right transition. You can use transition words to refer to:
- time and/or place
- an additional idea
- a comparison or a contrast between two ideas
- an example
- a consequence or final idea.
For each case, you’ll find a list with the most common and useful transitions and an ending example. In some cases, the list includes a first and second alternative that cover common synonyms for some transitions. Using these alternatives can add flavor to your language and keep your writing from seeming repetitive.
Let’s begin:
Transition Words that Refer to Time and/or Place
al principio (at the beginning, pronounced: al preen-see-pee-oh)
en primer lugar (in the first place, pronounced: ehn pree-mer loo-gar)
para comenzar (to begin, pronounced: pah-rah koh-men-sar)
antes (before, pronounced: ahn-tehs)
después (after, pronounced: dehs-poo-ehs)
a continuación (next, pronounced: ah kohn-tee-noo-ah-see-on)
mientras tanto (in the meantime, pronounced: myen-trahs tahn-toh)
al final (at the end, pronounced: al fee-nahl)
Example: Mientras tanto, debo practicar español. (In the meantime, I must practice Spanish)
Transition Words that Refer to an Additional Idea
además (in addition, pronounced: ah-deh-mas)
más aún (moreover, pronounced: mas ah-oon)
aparte (besides, pronounced: ah par-teh)
asimismo (likewise, pronounced: ah-see-mees-moh)
también (also, pronounced: tam-bee-ehn)
de igual manera (in the same way, pronounced: deh ee-goo-al mah-neh-rah)
Example: También, debo repasar el vocabulario. (Also, I must review the vocabulary)
Transition Words that Refer to a Comparison or a Contrast Between Two Ideas
pero (but, pronounced: peh-roh)
sin embargo (however -first alternative-, pronounced: sin ehm-bar-goh)
no obstante (however -second alternative-, pronounced: noh obs-taan-teh)
por otro lado (on the other hand -first alternative-, pronounced: pohr otroh lah-do)
por otra parte (on the other hand -second alternative-, pronounced: pohr otrah par-teh)
aunque (although, pronounced: ah-oon-keh)
a pesar de (in spite of, pronounced: ah peh-sar deh)
Example: Sin embargo, aprendo mucho. (However, I learn a lot)
Transition Words that Refer to an Example
por ejemplo (for example, pronounced: por eh-hem-ploh)
para ilustrar (to illustrate, pronounced: pah-rah ee-loos-trar)
tales como (such as, pronounced: tah-lehs koh-moh)
Example: Por ejemplo, escucho canciones y veo televisión en español. (For example, I listen to songs and watch TV in Spanish)
Transition Words that Refer to a Consequence or Final Idea
porque (because, pronounced: pohr-keh)
debido a esto (due to this, pronounced: deh-bee-doh ah ehs-toh)