SQL code
Hi, Can you help me with SQL code? Please see attached file.
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3.4.Chaflenge Selecting table data A 5q1—1—1.5ql file has been created and opened for you. Write each of the following SQL statements in a new line: 1. Listthe available databases
2. Change to the people database 3. List the available tables
4. Select all the records from the basic_inFo table Once you have completed these tasks press the Check ltl button to
have your solution assessed.
Limiting queries A m‘L—i—qul file has been created and opened for you. Write each of the following SQL statements in a new line: 1. Usethe people database 2. Display the name column from the runs table. 3. Display only 3 records of the city column from the basicjnfa
table. Once you have completed these tasks press the Check ltl button to
have your solution assessed. 6.1.Chaflenge Ordering queries
A sq‘l—i-qul file has been created and opened for you.
Write each of the following SQL statements in a new line: 1. Use the people database
2. Display the surname column from the mus table. 3. Query only the name and id oolurnns of the rim: table and
sort the results by id in descending order. Once you have completed these tasks, press the Check It] button to
have your solution assessed.