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Stanford University Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes in the Media Essay School

Stanford University Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes in the Media Essay

Stanford University

Question Description

In a 3-5 page essay, you will examine the characters and roles played by members of various racial and ethnic groups on television within the United States. In writing your essay, please take into consideration Chapters 1-3. Specifically, you should note whether, and more specifically how, racial and ethnic stereotypes continue to be perpetuated by the media. You may view a variety of television shows or programs to write your paper (e.g., sitcoms, dramas, documentaries, news, etc.). A minimum of 4-5 hours of television program should be viewed prior to beginning your paper. Your paper should be double-spaced.


Criteria Advanced Proficient Adequate Inadequate Score
Thesis Student posited a concise, clearly stated thesis that demonstrated a thorough understanding of the topic.
(25-30 points)
Student posed a concise, clearly stated thesis.  Thesis showed an understanding of the topic.
(20-24 points)
Student developed a thesis somewhat lacking clarity.  The student’s understanding of the topic was questionable.
(15-19 points)
Student developed a thesis completely lacking in clarity.  Student’s lack of understanding of the topic is abundant.
(0-14 points)
Quality of Information Student utilized information from a range of sources. ALL of the sources were high quality, relevant, academic/scholarly resources related to topic.  Student cited at least 5 examples of TV situations that reiterate analysis.
(50-60 points)
Student obtained a range of material. MOST of the material was of scholarly, high quality, relevant resources & related to topic.  Student cited 4-5 examples of TV situations that reiterate analysis.
(40-49 points)
Student utilized from a limited amount of sources with a minimal amount very little quality as related to topic.  Student cited fewer than 4 examples of TV situations that reiterate analysis.
(25-39 points)
Student gathered information that lacked relevance, quality, depth and balance.  Student cited fewer than 2 examples of TV situations that reiterate analysis.
(0-24 points)
Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
(25 points)
Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
(20-24 points)
A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.
(15-19 points)
Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
(0-14 points)
Analysis of Information Student analyzed made conclusions, which are supported by evidence. The student’s voice is apparent.
(24-25 points)
Student demonstrated a significant effort in examining the facts and evidence presented.
(20-23 points)
Student’s conclusions could be supported by stronger/clearly cited evidence.
(15-19 points)
Student’s conclusions simply involved restating information. Conclusions were not supported by evidence.
(0-14 points)
Overall Product Student effectively communicated an analysis that demonstrated an attention to detail and academic excellence.
(9-10 points)
Student effectively communicated thoughts and relevant information in a manner that was neat and orderly.
(7-8 points)
Student communication was not effective. Product presentation was untidy and disorganized.
(5-6 points)
Student’s product does not effectively communicate analysis and was presented in disorder.
(0-4 points)
Total         150 points
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