To critically evaluate an Organisations’ SHRM Practices and Policies in response to the impact of a topical issue.
Word Count: 1000 words
- Rationale
The concept of HR has undergone significant changes in its purposes, structures and activities in recent years, largely in response to transformations in the external and internal contexts within which organisations and HR operate.
Accordingly, Strategic Human Resource Management Practices can be
beneficial in managing appropriate HR functions within organisations.
This assignment enables you to select an organisation of your choice, which you are familiar with, to be the focus for your study and to choose a key theme and an area of Strategic Human Resource Management that you are most interested in.
The purpose of this is for you to investigate an area which could create problems within an organisation and explore Strategic HRM methods in an attempt to resolve potential issues and propose SHRM policies and practices that could be implemented to maintain effective performance – for both employees and the
The focus of the REPORT:
Choose ONE Organisation: The Organisation chosen, you must have
- Readily available information on its structure, the ways in which they manage their staff and how the company organises its HRM activities and functions
See attached list of best and worst Best and Worst Organisational Examples that you may choose from
Consider the relevant EXTERNAL environment and identify ONE key theme which has significantly impacted on the INTERNAL organisation.
Critically evaluate how Strategic Human Resource Management Policies and Practices can be beneficial in managing this impact – to resolve issues and maintain effective performance – for both employees and the Organisation.
The Key Theme area you relate your research to should be one listed below. Choose ONE key theme which has significantly impacted on their chosen organisation from list below – this will be the subject of discussion. The choice of Organisation, key theme and SHRM area, will provide you with advice and guidance accordingly to enable you to proceed with focused research and study of 4,000 words.
- Global/International practices
- Ethics
- Diversity
- The Employment Relationship: Participation and Involvement
- Well Being/ Work Life Balance and/or Flexible Working
- Employee Engagement/Employee Voice
- Other Emergent Topical HRM issues
Your Rational should covered
- Critically evaluate the key issues and debates associated with making HRM strategic.
- Consider the relevant EXTERNAL environment and identify ONE key theme which has significantly impacted on the INTERNAL organisation.
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the potential and actual connection between HRM and organisational performance
- Understand the contribution of HR policies and practices in employee resourcing, employee development, employee relations and reward management, performance management, participation and involvement, redundancy among others, to the delivery of SHRM
- Recognise the key challenges and opportunities surrounding the delivery of SHRM in a global context.
Then complete the TOPIC CHOICE RATIONALE form, providing details of their chosen Organisation; of their chosen Theme and a brief summary of their Rationale.
An initial Bibliography (relevant Literature) should be identified, listed and reviewed to help demonstrate further the rationale for their proposed final Report.
TOPIC CHOICE and RATIONALE FORM Approx 1000 words |
Brief Detail of Organisation: |
Assessment of the External environment: |
Key Theme/Topical Issue chosen: |
HR Practices and Policies identified: |
Strategic Perspective and Models identified: |
Your Rationale – RESEARCH Content (so far) |
Bibliography (so far): |
Proposed Report Structure: |
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