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Strategic Management – Business management homework help Question Description Outline the threats in Harley-Davidson’s external environmental. Which threats pose the greatest short-term and long-term risks for the company? · Identify the company’s core competencies. Given the existing situation, does Harley-Davidson have a competitive advantage that is sustainable? · Define Harley-Davidson’s business strategy. Based on your analysis, do you recommend any changes in strategy to address the threats facing the company? · Evaluate international conditions and the company’s performance outside of the U.S. What options are available to support Harley-Davidson’s overseas expansion? Use the following outline Harley Davidson response. I. Introduction II. Current Situation/Issues/Problems (List and Discuss) III. Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem IV. Selection of, and Justification for, Selected Alternative V. Conclusion VI. Appendix A – Current Scenario & Analysis – Research Assignment Rubric for Textbook Cases (Rubric 2) Significantly Exceeds Minimum Standards Meets or Somewhat Exceeds Minimum Standards Fails to Meet Standards Introduction 5 points 3-4 points 0-2 points Current Situation/ Issues/ Problems (List and Discuss) Able to list and correctly discuss all issues. 14-15 points Able to list and adequately discuss most issues. 10-14 points Failed to list and adequately discuss few or discussed no issues. 0-9 points Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem – List advantages and disadvantages of each alternative Able to list correct alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages for each issue 24-25 points Able to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages for most issues 18-24 points Failed to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages for various issues. 0-17 points Selection of, and Justification for, Selected Alternative Able to select correct alternative(s), and provide from textbook correct justification for them. 19-20 points Somewhat able to select correct alternative(s) and provide textbook justification for them. 13-19 points Failed to select correct alternative(s) and/or to provide textbook justification for them. 0-12 points Conclusion 4-5 points 3-4 points 0-2 points Appendix A – Current Scenario – Research – Where is the organization now? Analyze the current scenario Able to correctly determine and analyze current situation for organization in case and provide references from research as well as textbook. 29-30 points Somewhat able to correctly determine and analyze current situation for organization in case and to provide references from research as well as textbook. 23-29 points Failed to correctly determine and analyze current situation for organization in case and/or to provide references from research as well as textbook. 0-22 points Total 95-100 points 70-94 0-64 Paper will be checked by Turnitin for plagarism. Please only original submissions. Attachments: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document iconthreats_in_harley.docx

Strategic Management – Business management homework help

Question Description

   Outline the threats in Harley-Davidson’s external environmental. Which threats pose the greatest short-term and long-term risks for the company?

  • Identify the company’s core competencies. Given the existing situation, does Harley-Davidson have a competitive advantage that is sustainable?

  • Define Harley-Davidson’s business strategy. Based on your analysis, do you recommend any changes in strategy to address the threats facing the company?

  • Evaluate international conditions and the company’s performance outside of the U.S. What options are available to support Harley-Davidson’s overseas expansion?

Use the following outline Harley Davidson response.

  1. Introduction
  2. Current Situation/Issues/Problems (List and Discuss)

III.                                    Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem

  1. Selection of, and Justification for, Selected Alternative
  2. Conclusion
  3. Appendix A – Current Scenario & Analysis – Research

Assignment Rubric for Textbook Cases (Rubric 2)

Significantly Exceeds Minimum Standards

Meets or Somewhat Exceeds

Minimum Standards

Fails to Meet Standards


5 points

3-4 points

0-2 points

Current Situation/ Issues/

Problems (List and Discuss)

Able to list and correctly discuss all issues.

14-15 points

Able to list and adequately discuss most issues.

10-14 points

Failed to list and adequately discuss few or discussed no issues. 0-9 points

Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem – List advantages and disadvantages of each


Able to list correct alternatives and their advantages and

disadvantages for each issue

24-25 points

Able to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and

disadvantages for most issues

18-24 points

Failed to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and

disadvantages for various issues.

0-17 points

Selection of, and

Justification for, Selected


Able to select correct alternative(s), and provide from textbook correct

justification for them.  19-20 points

Somewhat able to select correct alternative(s) and provide textbook

justification for them.  13-19 points

Failed to select correct alternative(s) and/or to provide textbook

justification for them. 

0-12 points


4-5 points

3-4 points

0-2 points

Appendix A – Current

Scenario – Research – Where is the organization now?  Analyze the current scenario

Able to correctly determine and analyze current

situation for organization in

case and provide references from research as well as textbook.

29-30 points

Somewhat able to correctly determine and analyze

current situation for

organization in case and to provide references from

research as well as textbook. 23-29 points

 Failed to correctly determine and analyze

current situation for

organization in case and/or to provide references from

research as well as textbook. 0-22 points


95-100 points



Paper will be checked by Turnitin for plagarism. Please only original submissions.


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