Strategic Marketing MK4S34
Module Assessment Strategic Marketing MK4S34
The learning outcome will be assessed in the following ways:
1. The completion of an individually prepared written assignment which reports on a live strategic marketing activity / case study. This will consist of 4800 words (+/- 10%) and worth 80% of the overall mark.
2. A piece of self-reflective writing that critically appraises the marketing activity / case study. This will consist of 1200 words (+/- 10%) and worth 20% of the overall mark.
Following the in class ballot, the department store, John Lewis has been chosen overwhelmingly by you as your case study for this assessment: The Doctor Who Experience was favoured by around 6 people and The Other Room by just 2.
We will however, be using these rejected companies in other tasks, so your research will prove to be useful as we progress through the module.
Assessment Task
Assignment 1
‘Marketing strategy must be multi-faceted, realistic and implemented consistently over time.’
Critically analyse the strategic marketing objectives of John Lewis in light of the above statement in order to establish the level of success of strategic marketing within the organisation. You should make reference to relevant academic literature in the process (4800 words).
Assignment 2
Critically reflect on the marketing processes used by John Lewis to communicate to you as a stakeholder of the organisation (1200 words).
To pass this module an overall minimum of 40% must be achieved.
2. A piece of self-reflective writing that critically appraises the marketing activity / case study. This will consist of 1200 words (+/- 10%) and worth 20% of the overall mark.
Following the in class ballot, the department store, John Lewis has been chosen overwhelmingly by you as your case study for this assessment: The Doctor Who Experience was favoured by around 6 people and The Other Room by just 2.
We will however, be using these rejected companies in other tasks, so your research will prove to be useful as we progress through the module.
Assessment Task
Assignment 1
‘Marketing strategy must be multi-faceted, realistic and implemented consistently over time.’
Critically analyse the strategic marketing objectives of John Lewis in light of the above statement in order to establish the level of success of strategic marketing within the organisation. You should make reference to relevant academic literature in the process (4800 words).
Assignment 2
Critically reflect on the marketing processes used by John Lewis to communicate to you as a stakeholder of the organisation (1200 words).
To pass this module an overall minimum of 40% must be achieved.
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