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Strategy and Case Analysis- Report

Strategy and Case Analysis- Report

Strategy and Case Analysis- Report
Order Description
You have been asked to read the case example China comes to Hollywood: Wanda’s
acquisition of AMC (Johnson et al., 2014, pp.290-292) and answer the following questions:
? Considering Yip’s globalisation framework, what drivers of internationalisation do
you think were most important when Wanda entered the US market through its AMC
? What national source of competitive advantage might Wanda draw from its Chinese
base? What disadvantages derive from its Chinese base?
? In light of the CAGE framework, what challenges may Wanda meet as it enters the
US market?
You report must be structured as follows:
? Introduction (3 marks)
? Analysis of Wanda’s acquisition of AMC
o Insights from Yip’s globalisation framework (5 marks)
o Wanda’s competitive advantages and disadvantages (5 marks)
o Insights using the CAGE framework (5 marks).
? Discussion (5 marks)
? Conclusion (2 marks).
Five (5) additional marks will be allocated to English expression and grammar.
Tips for preparing your report:
? Define your terms;
? Clearly explain the concepts;
? Make use of multiple references (minimum of five);
? Keep to the word limit; and
? Ensure your assignment is well-presented and free from grammatical and typographical
errors and appropriately referenced.
MNG93002 Strategy and Case Analysis
Assignment 2
Due Date: 14 December 2015
Value: 30% (marked out of 30)
You have been asked to read the case example China comes to Hollywood: Wanda’s acquisition of AMC (Johnson et al., 2014, pp.290-292) and answer the following questions:
? Considering Yip’s globalisation framework, what drivers of internationalisation do you think were most important when Wanda entered the US market through its AMC acquisition?
? What national source of competitive advantage might Wanda draw from its Chinese base? What disadvantages derive from its Chinese base?
? In light of the CAGE framework, what challenges may Wanda meet as it enters the US market?
You report must be structured as follows:
? Introduction (3 marks)
? Analysis of Wanda’s acquisition of AMC
o Insights from Yip’s globalisation framework (5 marks)
o Wanda’s competitive advantages and disadvantages (5 marks)
o Insights using the CAGE framework (5 marks).
? Discussion (5 marks)
? Conclusion (2 marks).
Five (5) additional marks will be allocated to English expression and grammar.
Tips for preparing your report:
? Define your terms;
? Clearly explain the concepts;
? Make use of multiple references (minimum of five);
? Keep to the word limit; and
? Ensure your assignment is well-presented and free from grammatical and typographical errors and appropriately referenced.

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