Quality in Customer Focused Operations
This assignment is designed to enable you to show an
understanding of how your customer’s expectations of your
processes, services and products are being delivered.
To enable you to describe a business process using the Input,
Transformation Activities, Output model format; useful for critically
analysing any process for opportunities for improvement.
It will require you to conduct a review of the literature in the
subject area of Quality management. Specifically, how the purpose
of quality management systems is to represent and deliver the
expectations of customers within the business processes.
Following this review of your processes and the academic literature
you will be expected to identify a shortcoming in one of your own
processes and propose a solution. This should take the form of the
improvement changes you would like to make and the challenges
you think will have to be overcome.
Within a report format answer the following questions:
1. Establish the scenario for the assignment by selecting an
organisation and preparing a description of
a) The main products and services provided by the organisation
b) Who are the main customers?
c) What are the order qualifiers for the organisation?
d) What are the order winners for the organisation?
(5% of word count)
2. Describe three operational processes that are needed to deliver
those products and services to the customers. Use the Process
Mapping framework that requires you to identify
• Input Resources
• Transforming activities
• Output products/Services
(30% of word count)
3. Prepare a review of the literature on the subject of Quality
Management as a reflection of customer expectations. Discuss the
authors, their views on the subject and their frameworks describing
the concepts, applications and benefits available to business in
general and appropriate for an organisation similar to the type you
have chosen.
Consider at least 8 journal articles no older than 10 years
(45% word count)
4. For your chosen organisation, identify the gap(s) that might exist
between customer expectations and operational delivery/design.
Propose a plan of action to resolve the problem, to correct the gap
between the expectation and perception.
What would you expect to be the challenges that would have to be
overcome for the implementation to be a success?
(20%word count)
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