Supply, demand and elasticity
Assignment B: Supply, demand and elasticity
Economics argues that consumers and suppliers will change their behaviours in predictable ways in
response to price incentives. How does the demand for electric cars respond to prices in the electric
vehicle market, the market for electric vehicle charging, and the market for unleaded fuel?
First, explain these three markets and present diagrams of each. Pay attention to the price elasticity
of demand (approximated by the slope of the demand curve) and the units on the price axis. The
equilibrium price in each market should be realistic. Provide references for the values you choose.
[Hint: Draw your diagrams in Powerpoint and copy and paste as images into your Word document.]
(650 words)
Next, present ONE government policy that could be implemented in one of these three markets to
increase electric car usage. Discuss why the government would want to implement this policy. (650
Note: Your Introduction and Conclusions should be about 100 words each.
Format: Write your assignment as a business essay (use headings) with an introduction, body
including sections related to the parts of the question, and conclusion. Use in-text references when
you include information from sources. Add a reference list (one textbook [I WILL DO THIS]and at
least four scholarly references – ei journal articles) after the conclusion. The word count (1200 to
1500 words) is measured from the introduction heading to the end of the conclusion. Ensure you
write academically using precise vocabulary, spelling and grammar.
For this assignment, you are required to follow the instructions in the questions for your chosen
topic and keep within the suggested word limit.
Have I ..
– Checked my word count? 1,200 (minimum) to 1,500 words (maximum)
– Checked my formatting? Line spacing (double) and font size (12)
– Provided informative headings?
– Answered all parts of the question?
– Ensured my referencing is compliant with APA style?
– Have I included my textbook? [I WILL DO THIS]
– Have a referenced at least four academic references (journal articles)?
– Checked that all of my in-text references have full details in my Reference list?
– Checked that all of the references in my Reference list are cited in text?
– Checked my spelling and grammar?
– Checked the marking criteria for how I can achieve the best marks? Used MS Word (not
– Added quotation marks and in text referencing, and used more paraphrasing and less
quotations to reduce my similarity score?
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