Take a CLEP practice test today
Practice tests, video lessons, diagnostic knowledge assessments, and personalized answers help you be ready on test day.
Study.com’s CLEP practice tests are the best study option for anybody looking to pass a CLEP exam. We offer practice tests for over 30 CLEP exams, in math, science, economics, humanities, and more! Our CLEP practice questions are developed by a team of experts to closely mimic the content, style, and format of questions on the actual CLEP exams to help you learn the content and style of questions you are likely to encounter on the actual exam. We’re so confident in the quality of our product that we offer a completely free 15-question practice test for each of our CLEP courses to help you gauge your subject mastery before you sign up for a Study.com membership. There’s no risk and no obligation, so take one of our free practice tests today!
After taking your practice test, you’ll receive a detailed initial analysis of your areas of strength and weakness so you can target your studying to the areas that will have the most impact on your overall score. To help you improve your areas of weakness, a Study.com membership includes access to our comprehensive CLEP study guides which help you target and fill in any knowledge gaps. Our bite-sized video lessons are perfect for explaining the specific concepts that you need to work on and are available 24 hours a day via desktop and our mobile app. Each lesson is immediately followed by a short assessment to give you immediate feedback on your understanding and mastery of the lesson’s content. As a Study.com member, you’ll also receive unlimited access to hundreds more exclusive practice questions for each CLEP exam to help you take your mastery to the next level! When you take a full-length practice test with your Study.com membership, you will get a new and unique exam every time.
Studying for CLEP exams may seem daunting, but with Study.com, success has never been more attainable. With our proven CLEP test prep offerings, over 30 CLEP courses, and library of thousands of CLEP practice questions, we’re your go-to source for maximizing your CLEP score and jumpstarting your college career with real college credit. With Study.com, you’ll learn the content of the exam and gain experience with the test and question formats, maximizing your chances of achieving the highest score possible. Pick an exam and take your free practice test now!
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