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Term paper no more than 3 pages. Requirements attached.

Term paper no more than 3 pages. Requirements attached. Don’t care which typically you choose from attachment.

Research Paper Using WordThis assignment has two goals:1) have students increase their understanding of theconcept of Protecting Personal Information (PPI) and other ethical issues related to theuse of information technology through research, and 2) learn to correctly incorporatecitations and references in APA format. Students may use the tools and techniqueswithin Word to format the research paper, including use of the References and citationtools. These skills will be valuable throughout a student’s academic career.The paperwill require a title page, NO abstract, three to four fullpages of content withincorporation of a minimum of 3 external resources from credible sources and a WorksCited/References page.Wikipedia and similar general information sites, blogs ordiscussion groups are not considered creditable sources for a research project.Nomore than 10% of the paper may be in the form of a direct citation from an externalsource.A list of topics from which students can choose is provided below.Topics for Research Paper1Social Engineering – what it is,how it is used, and potentialpositive and negative impacts onindividuals and on society2Employee Monitoring – why andhow it is used, the legal issuessurrounding its use, and impactson employer and employee3Biometrics – variousimplementations and the ethicaland privacy issues related to theuse of biometrics4Use of Cookies – what they are,how they are used, and potentialpositive and negative impacts5The privacy laws related toInformation Technology use andhow those laws impact youpersonally?6Intellectual Property Rights;issues related to copyright, fairuse, copyright infringement, andthe potential personal andfinancial impacts7The Edward Snowden case – thedilemma between the “OfficialSecrets Act” versus a perceivedduty to share versus the damageit may do to national security.8The Apple vs. FBI controversyover unlocking the iPhone910 If there is another topic that addresses ethical issues as related to informationtechnology that is of special interest to you but one that is not in the list above,request permission from your instructor before selecting this alternate topic.1112 Writing Quality for the Research Paper13 * All Grammar, Verb Tenses, Pronouns, Spelling, Punctuation, and WritingCompetency should be without error.1415 * Be particularly careful about mis-matching a noun and pronoun. For example, ifyou say “A person does this…” then do not use “their” or “they” when referring tothat person. “Person” is singular; “their” or “they” is plural.
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1617 * Remember:thereis nottheir,youris notyou’re,itsis notit’s,toois nottoortwo,siteis notcite, andwhoshould be used after an individual, notthat. Forexample, “the person WHO made the speech” not “the person THAT made thespeech.”1819 *In a professional paper one does not use contractions (doesn’t, don’t, etc.) andone does not use the personalI,youoryour. Use the impersonal as in theprevious sentence. It is more business-like to say “In a professional paper oneshould not use contractions,” rather than saying, “In a professional paper youdon’t use contractions.20 *Remember: spell-check, then proofread. Better yet, have a friend or colleagueread it before submitting it. Read it out loud to yourself. Read it as if you aresubmitting it to your boss.2122 You can find instructions on how to use the References tool in Word on aPC or on a Mac in the separate file attached here.2324 Complete rubrics for this paper are found in the table on the next page.
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