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The management of Firebolt Industries Inc. manufactures gasoline and diesel engines through two production departments, Fabrication and Assembly.

The management of Firebolt Industries Inc. manufactures gasoline and diesel engines through two production departments, Fabrication and Assembly. Management needs accurate product cost information in order to guide product strategy. Presently, the company uses a single plantwide factory overhead rate for allocating factory overhead to the two products. However, management is considering the multiple production department factory overhead rate method. The following factory overhead was budgeted for Firebolt:


Determine the per-unit factory overhead allocated to the gasoline and diesel engines under the single plantwide factory overhead rate method, using direct labor hours as the activity base . If required, round all per-direct labor hours and per-unit answers to the nearest cent.

Gasoline engine per unit:

Diesel engine per unit:

Determine the per-unit factory overhead allocated to the gasoline and diesel engines under the multiple production department factory overhead rate method, using direct labor hours as the activity base for each department. If required, round all per-unit answers to the nearest cent.

Gasoline engine per unit:

Diesel engine per unit:

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