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The table is transcribed below (fish prices). It should be a T-test

The table is transcribed below (fish prices). It should be a T-test
for two independent means. Just having trouble with overall t-value and conclusion.

All Fresh Seafood is a wholesale fish company based on the east coast of the U.S. Catalina Offshore Products is a wholesale fish company based on the west coast of the U.S.
Table #9.2.5 contains prices from both companies for specific fish types (“Seafood online,” 2013) (“Buy sushi grade,” 2013). Do the data provide enough evidence to show that a west coast fish wholesaler is more expensive than an east coast wholesaler? Test at the 5% level.
Table #9.2.5: Wholesale Prices of Fish in Dollars

Fish All Fresh Seafood Prices Catalina Offshore Products Prices
Cod 19.99 17.99
Tilapi 6.00 13.99
Farmed Salmon 19.99 22.99
Organic Salmon 24.99 24.99
Grouper Fillet 29.99 19.99
Tuna 28.99 31.99
Swordfish 23.99 23.99
Sea Bass 32.99 23.99
Striped Bass 29.99 14.99

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