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Theories of the Labour Market and links with the State

Abstract 3 Introduction 3 Literature review 3 2.1 The Labour Market: 5 2.1.1 Theories of the Labour Market and links with the State 6 2.1.2 Labour Market Types 8 External Labour Markets 8 Internal Labour Markets 8 2.1.3 Changing Labour markets 9 Effects of Globalisation 11 Demographic Changes in the Labour Market 11 Demographic Characteristics of the Saudi market 11 Neo-liberal factors – labour market flexibility 12 2.1.4 Labour Markets in the Middle East 13 Labour market in Saudi Arabia 14 Labour Market Regulations and Measurement 15 2.2 HRM and Labour Flexibility 15 2.2.1 Defining HRM: Context and Definitional Problems 16 2.2.2 Notion of flexibility as HRM goal 17 2.2.3 Theories of labour flexibility – notion of ‘flexible firm’ 17 2.2.4 Forms and contexts for flexible employment 19 2.2.5. Flexibility in the context of HRM theory 19 2.2.6. Advantages & Disadvantages of Flexible employment 20 2.2.7 Internal HRM strategies and practices of firms 22 2.2.8 Divergence and Convergence of Labour Systems 22 2.2.9 Conflict Between Multinational Corporations and Saudi Culture 23 2.2.10. Labour Market Flexibility in Global Perspective 24 Europe 25 The Americas 26 Africa 26 Asia and Australia 27 Labour market in Saudi Arabia 27 2.2.11. Limitations of the Saudi Arabian Analysis 28 3. Methodology 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Methodological Approach 29 3.3 Research Strategy 29 3.4 Sampling Strategy 30 3.5 Data Collection 31 3.5.1 Semi-Structured Interviews 31 3.5.2 Questionnaires 32 3.5.3 Secondary Data 33 3.6 Data Analysis 33 3.7 Ethical Considerations 34 References 36 Table of Figures 49
Table of Figures Figure 1: Employment profile of Saudi Arabia 50 Figure 2: Male and Female Global Labour Force Participation 50 Figure 3: Rates of Employment in the Arab world 51 Figure 4: Shift and Temporary working in developing countries 52 Figure 5: Sectoral changes in employment 53 Figure 6: Changes in employee representation method 54 Figure 7: Temporary Agency Employment – Europe and US 55 Figure 8: Gender gap in employment in Arab nations 55 Figure 9: Youth Unemployment by gender in Arab nations 56 Figure 10: Youth Unemployment by gender in Arab nations 56 Figure 11 Saudi male and female unemployment levels to 2008 57   Abstract This paper critically analyses literature on the context and frameworks of the global labour but  with a specific reference to Saudi Arabia and potential solutions to employment concerns that exist within the country. The chapter discusses the emerging theoretical framework demonstrating what is known and exposes significant gaps. The definitions, theories, types and the changes in the labour market are also identified. The Middle East and Saudi Arabia labour markets and its regulations and measurements are then discussed. Previous studies on HRM and labour flexibility are also reviewed. Finally, a methodology outlining the proposed methods and ethical considerations for this research is presented. Introduction This paper aims to deliver a full background to the constructs of the labour market, both internal and external, in a global sense and more specifically within the Saudi Arabian labour market framework. This chapter therefore reinforces the aims of the work to examine the potential for flexible polices and forms of employment for female graduates within the Saudi Arabian context. It is therefore expected that, if the findings of this research were implemented, the gender unemployment gaps would be filled in the next two years.

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