theories relating to later life in relation to sociology, psychology and biological changes
theories relating to later life in relation to sociology, psychology and biological changes
theories relating to later life in relation to sociology, psychology and biological changes
Project description
this should be based on a case study, to discuss the issues faced by older people in society and in relation to health and social care should be related to the demographic(ageing population and statistic)changes have impacted upon health and social policy and legislation have attempted to address the needs of older people.2, Explore theories relating to later life in relation to sociology, psychology and biological changes.It should be liked to the case study if the patient have been treated fairly or unfairly by the health and social care system.3, consider how the theories of later life have impacted on the wayin which your indentified patient drawing on a wide range of policy and legislation to support your claim.National Standard Framework to be included.Introduction , body, and conclusion.There should be data protection Act in mentioning name of the patient thank you.
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