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This is my week3 lab, could you please help me with it?

This is my week3 lab, could you please help me with it?

CIS-336: Lab 3: Building the Physical ModelLAB OVERVIEWScenario and SummaryThe lab for this week addresses taking a logical database design (data model) and transforming it into aphysical model (tables, constraints, and rela±onships). As part of the lab, you will need to download thezip Fle ±tled CIS336Lab3²iles from Doc Sharing. This zip Fle contains the ERD, Data Dic±onary, and testdata for the tables you create as you complete this exercise.Your job will be to use the ERD Diagram found below as a guide to deFne the table structures andconstraints using both CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. Once this has been done, you willneed to write the INSERT INTO TABLE statements to insert the data provided into the table. The datashould verify that the constraints you have created are valid and deFne the correct referen±al and dataintegrity constraints asked for. Lastly, you will write SELECT statements to query the tables and verify thedata was populated.Please use exactly the data provided, without addi±on, dele±on, or altera±onexcept as directed, as your results may be evaluated against expected results generated using this exactdata set.Narratve/Case STudy²or this lab, you will be crea±ng SQL statements to build a series of rela±onal tables, using SQL CREATEstatements in a script Fle format for the Student Database. You will then populate those tables throughthe use of INSERT statements with sample data.You will need to create a script Fle and name it YourName_Lab3.txt containing the following code.1.The drop table statements listed later in the speciFca±ons of this lab.2.The CREATE TABLE statements required to build the sixtables.3.The INSERT statements necessary to insert all of the sample data.4.Six select statements to verify that the data is in the tables and accessible.To help you accomplish this task successfully, you are being supplied with the ERD Diagram whichfollows, and the exact data to be inserted into each table, which may be found via the Doc Sharing tabon the course website.The following guidelines are being provided to help assist you in crea±ng your script Fle.Use the names for the tables and columns as listed in the ERD. Do not change them as it willa³ect your grade.Crea±ng ConstraintsoCreate all NOT NULL constraints as indicated in the ERD.oCreate all PK constraints as indicated in the ERD.
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