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this is y cis336 week 2 lab, I need help with answering the question

this is y cis336 week 2 lab, I need help with answering the question

CIS336 Lab 2: The Expanded Entity RelationshipDiagramLAB OVERVIEWScenario and SummaryThis lab introduces the next step in crea±ng a data model, the En±ty Rela±onship Diagram (ERD). You willbe given a business scenario for a University Medical Center, which is a small community hospital. Thebusiness speciFca±ons will outline a number of things about the business, some of which will applydirectly to the database you are being asked to model. There is a table that lists the en±±es (tables) thatwill be needed for the database and related a²ributes (columns) for each en±ty. There is also a columnthat lists speciFc informa±on about the en±ty that will be helpful in determining its rela±onship to otheren±±es within the model.Be sure to include the minimum and maximum occurrences of each rela±onship (cardinality) and tosupply a name to the rela±onship that will work in both direc±ons. Make sure to use Crow’s ³eetnota±on in your ERD.Narratve/Case STudyThe University Medical Center is a small, community hospital. A new hospital administrator has recentlybeen hired by the Board of Directors, and directed to right-size pa±ent care and pharmacy services andimprove proFtability. The hospital operates three clinical facili±es: the main hospital, a mid-town clinic,and an Urgent Care loca±on. The hospital also o´ers selected in-home care services. Many of thepa±ents are repeat or regular pa±ents who receive regular treatment for various condi±ons, and manyu±lize the hospital’s pharmacy services for prescrip±on medica±ons.The pharmacy dispenses about 3,000 di´erent prescrip±on medica±ons of various kinds. Everyprescrip±on is associated with one pa±ent, and is logged by the dispensing clinic. The new administratorwants to know which drugs are most prescribed, and also which are the most proFtable.The following is some general informa±on about the organiza±on and its current processes.The hospital operates three clinical facili±es.A healthcare worker logs in at a facility at the start of a shiµ and logs out at the end.The name, address, Social Security number and other informa±on is recorded for everyhealthcare worker.All healthcare workers have one billing rate, which is determined by their job descrip±on.Each medica±on dispensed by prescrip±on is linked to both the prescrip±on number and themedica±on ID number, recording the item price and the quan±ty dispensed.As a convenient and a´ordable means of providing hospice care, pallia±ve care, and convalescent care topa±ents that need occasional/intermi²ent skilled nursing, but do not require hospitaliza±on, the
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