u. U Lu 4, u o: my complete on: pseuuucuue uy uewuung mt: dlguuullll. me colors ueu, uuue, anu yenuw alt: ruruwrl as puuuauy
colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors- When you nix two primary colors, you get a secondary color. Mixing
yellow and blue gets you green. Mixing red and blue gets you purple. The algorithm allows the userto enter two primary colors and
then displays the resulting secondary color. The colors entered by the user will be validated to ensure they entered a primary color.
Begin Declare Sting color1 Declare Sting color? Declare Sting control‘i Declare Sting contolfl “Enter tirst primary color: " Input
Prompt "Enter the second plimary colon "
Input Set control1 = "n" DOWHILE control1 = “n" lf{colcr1 «a» ‘yellow") Prompt "lirst primary color is invalid" [color1 <1= “red") [colori <2} I‘blue’°’}u then Input Else Set controll = ”y“
ENDU Set control2 = "n”
DOWHILE contrcl2 = “n"
If {colorfl G “yellow”? Prompt "second primary color is invalid” {colorZ <> “red”; [color2 <> ”blue”) then Input color2
Else Set controlZ = "y“ ENDO If {color1 = "red")AND [ Hhen
Display "secondary coloris: purple” Endlf If {color1 = “yellow") AND I: ) then
Display "secondary coloris: green" Endtf End {Points : 1D}
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