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this week we are studying Enterprise Systems or ERP Systems

this week we are studying Enterprise Systems or ERP Systems, which

are very important in today’s business environment for one reason the business operations have become more complex and the business functions have become more interrelated. In the Module on Enterprise Systems there is an example of a Work Order and it identifies the many complex data relationships that must be met. One that is gaining importance is being able to determine the time an employee spends in a hazardous environment for health considerations. Knowing the environmental conditions in each work area and the time that a repair person spends in that environment could be crucial to understanding the time that an employee can be utilized in a particular area. It could also become important to future disability law suits.

I have attached an article from 2002 Delaware On Line that talks about that State’s experience with its attempt to implement SAP ERP.
iI would like us to discuss what went wrong? Who was at fault? Why did it go so far before ending the project? Is it more difficult to implement IT Projects for governments or businesses and why?
I only need a paragraph or two.

Minner cancels $7.4 million computer systemBy PATRICK JACKSONDover Bureau reporter01/04/2002Gov. Ruth Ann Minner has scrapped plans for acomputerized accounting and purchasing systemafter four years of design costing $7.4 million.Minner said the system is not ready and probablywould have been quickly obsolete had it beencompleted because of coming changes in thestate’s accounting procedures.The system was to replace outdated accountingand budgeting systems running on the state’smainframe computers, and a purchasing systemthat is based on paper forms.The state will continue to use those systems until abetter way of modernizing can be developed, stateoFcials said.Minner canceled the project because it would havecost at least $7 million more to complete and $2million a year to operate, her spokesman, GregoryPatterson, said.“It upsets me that the state has spent this muchmoney and we don’t have a system in operation toshow for it,” Minner said in a prepared statement.
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“The only way to make it worse would be tocontinue to spend money and, in the end, have asoftware system that would be outdated andunable to meet our needs from the day we turnedit on,” she said.The accounting and purchasing system was thesecond part of a computerization overhaul startedin 1993.The Frst piece, which upgraded the state’s payrolland human resources systems, went into service inJuly, more than two years late and $28.8 millionover budget.State Auditor R. Thomas Wagner Jr., who criticizedthe spending on the payroll project in an October2000 audit, praised Minner’s decision to abandonthe accounting system.“It takes guts to make a decision like that – to stopsomething and not keep pouring money into atechnological sinkhole,” he said.State Rep. Joe DiPinto, R-Wilmington West, a co-chairman of the General Assembly’s Joint ±inanceCommittee, said he was not surprised by Minner’sdecision.He said he was disappointed by the failure todevelop a workable system, but felt “the governormade the right decision.”
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