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This week you are to complete an External Environment assessment.Please ensure that you comment on trends in each of the six (6)external forces.

Please see attached assignment SWOT Analysis– course MGMT 303

This week you are to complete an External Environment assessment.Please ensure that you comment on trends in each of the six (6)external forces. You will use this analysis in order to complete nextweek’s SWOT chart.Company: KFCThe termexternal environmentrefers to factors and forces outsidethe organization affecting its performance.1.The economic component encompasses factors such as interestrates, inflation, changes in disposable income, stock marketfluctuations, and business cycle stages.2.The demographic component is concerned with trends inpopulation characteristics such as age, race, gender, education level,geographic location, income, and family composition.3.The political/legal component looks at federal, state, and locallaws as well as global laws and laws of other countries. It alsoincludes a country’s political conditions and stability.4.The sociocultural component is concerned with societal andcultural factors such as values, attitudes, trends, traditions, lifestyles,beliefs, tastes, and patterns of behavior.5.The technological component is concerned with scientific orindustrial innovations.6.And the global component encompasses those issuesassociated with globalization and a world economy
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