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tutorials at Atomic

Company North-East-West-South (NEWS)
NEWS is struggling in the ultra-competitive high-tech market. They have called upon you and your analysis team to help them analyze their data in order 
to make some key business decisions using the methods and tools recently learned throughout MBA 501.
Save this file for each homework assignment as follows:  Last Name_First Name_Homework #.xls     For example, Smith_John_Homework 2_1.xls
2-1 Excel Homework I: Scatterplots
This homework assignment will help you begin to familiarize yourself with the Excel software, creating graphs, and using the Data Analysis add-in feature. 
Create a scatterplot from a given set of data and then create a regression fitted line and determine the correlation coefficient. 
Provide a practical interpretation of the results. 
3-2 Excel Homework II: Descriptive Statistics
This homework assignment will continue to familiarize you with the Excel software, creating graphs, and using the Data Analysis add-in feature. 
In this assignment, you will create a histogram plot from a given set of data and then determine the mean, median, and standard deviation.  
Provide a practical interpretation of the results. 
6-2 Excel Homework III: Amortization Table
This homework assignment will continue to familiarize you with the Excel software. 
In this assignment, you will create an amortization table based on a given principal, interest rate, and payment longevity.  
Analyze alternative criteria to determine the optimal conditions. 
7-2 Excel Homework IV: Probability
This homework assignment will continue to familiarize you with the Excel software.  
In this assignment, you will analyze a given business problem based on probability.
Provide a practical interpretation of the results. 
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