UMUC stat 200 quiz 2 summer 2016. can someone please help me out with this.
/in Feeds /by adminUMUC stat 200 quiz 2 summer 2016. can someone please help me out with this.
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University of Maryland University CollegeStat 200 (Whealon)Quiz 2DirecTons: Read and sign the academic honesty cerTFcaTon statement below before taking the quiz. Pleaseshow your work for maximum credit. 80 points are possible on this quiz. Each problem is worth 5 points.±he test and work is due as speciFed in the “Course Schedule”. Late submissions are not accepted exceptin the case of extenuaTng documented emergencies.±his is an open-book, open-notes quiz. A calculator, Excel or other so²ware may be used. You may add spaces asneeded to show your work.I cerTfy that the work submi³ed on and with this document represents my own personal work. I cerTfythat I have not collaborated with, or consulted with, anyone else to produce the work I am submi´ng. Iunderstand and agree to abide by UMUC Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.____________________________________________Student Signature and Date1. (5 pts) A bag contains 10 white, 12 blue, 13 red, 7 yellow, and 8 greenwooden balls. A ball is selected from the bag and kept. You then draw asecond ball and keep it also. What is the probability of selecting one whiteball and one blue ball? Leave the answer in fractional form.2. (5 pts) A student scores 62 on a geography test and 285 on a mathematicstest. The geography test has a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 15.The mathematics test has a mean of 300 and a standard deviation of 10. Ifthe data for both tests are normally distributed, on which test did the studentscore better relative to the other students in each class and why?3. (5 pts) The probability that Sam parks in a no-parking zone and gets aparking ticket is 10% and the probability that Sam cannot Fnd a legal parkingplace and has to park in a no-parking zone is 20%.On ±riday Sam arrives atschool and parks in a no-parking zone. What is the probability that he’ll get aparking ticket?4. (5 pts) The following is a sample of 19 November utility bills (in dollars) froma neighborhood. What is the largest bill in the sample that would not beconsidered an outlier?

52, 62, 66, 68, 72, 74, 76, 76, 76, 78, 78, 82, 84, 84, 86, 88, 92, 96, 1105. (5 pts) Events A and B are mutually exclusive. If P(A) = 0.7 and P(B) = 0.1,what is P(A and B)?6. (5 pts) If one card is drawn from a standard 52 card playing deck, determinethe probability drawing either a jack, a three, a club or a diamond. Leave as afraction or round to the nearest hundredth.7. (5 pts) A human gene carries a certain disease from the mother to the childwith a probability rate of 39%. That is, there is a 39% chance that the childbecomes infected with the disease. Suppose a female carrier of the gene hasthree children. Assume that the infections of the three children areindependent of one another. Find the probability that at least one of thechildren get the disease from their mother. Round to the nearest thousandth.8. (5 pts) A machine has four components, A, B, C, and D, set up in such amanner that all four parts must work for the machine to work properly.Assume the probability of one part working does not depend on any of theother parts. Also assume that the probabilities of the individual parts workingare P(A) = P(B) = 0.95, P(C) = 0.99, and P(D) = 0.91. Find the probability thatat least one of the four parts will work. Round to six decimal places.9. (5 pts) Mamma Temte bakes six pies a day that cost $2 each to produce. On39% of the days she sells only two pies. On 16% of the days, she sells 4 pies,and on the remaining 45% of the days, she sells all six pies. If Mama Temtesells her pies for $6 each, what is her expected pro±t for a day’s worth ofpies? Assume that any leftover pies are given away for free.10. (5 pts) A box contains three $1 bills, two $5 bills, ±ve $10 bills, and two $20bills. Construct a probability distribution for the data if x represents the dollarvalue of a single bill drawn at random and then replaced.11. (5 pts) According to government data, the probability that an adult has neverbeen in a museum is 15%. In a random survey of 10 adults, what is theprobability that exactly eight adults have been in a museum?On average,how many adults of the 10 would we expect to be in a museum?12. (5 pts) A local country club has a membership of 600 and operates facilitiesthat include an 18-hole championship golf course and 12 tennis courts.Before deciding whether to accept new members, the club president wouldlike to know how many members regularly use each facility. A survey of the

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