Unit Essay: A short e-paper (250 words is the target), addressing one or more topics covered in the Unit content.
Unit Essay: A short e-paper (250 words is the target), addressing
one or more topics covered in the Unit content.
-The essays should focus on Things of great personal interest, Points of agreement or disagreement, Insights, or aha experiences. Relate these things to your work or organizational life. For these essays, I am looking for your personal reaction–either positive or negative–to the Unit content as it relates to your work or organizational life. While you have wide latitude as to the subject of your essay, you must link the Unit content and Unit readings to your essay content.
-Page setup: For all essays, set margins (top, bottom, right, left) at 1 inch. Use a 12-point font. Number pages. Double space.
-Written format: Submit your essay as a Microsoft Word document. On the top six (6) lines of the first page of your essay, place the following, left justified:
-GSM ID Number:
-Unit Number:
-Essay Title:
Unit Essay Topic are:
Practice of Dialogue as an organization learning tool.
Compare and contrast Dialogue and Discussion as communication vehicles in organizational settings.
Explain the difference between Convergent and Divergent problems in an organizational setting.
Identify Convergent and Divergent problems in an organizational setting.
Discuss the nature of typical leadership research that focuses on non-bottom-line variables—perception rather than performance.
Describe how much leadership research focuses on the impact of a leader on followers.
Explain the concept of leader derailment.
Describe the general characteristics of leadership.
Explain the concept of value as an indicator of a leader’s accomplishments.
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