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University of Delaware Market Analysis Research Paper

  1. New Market Selection and Analysis

New Market Selection

A promising new market that would be an excellent fit for CaptiVoice is the higher education market in the US. There is a large adult population in the US that is illiterate, also leading to their higher education and the lack of reading and reading comprehension skills. Aiming at this target audience is useful because those seeking higher education are more able to pay for such a program to better their learning. In contrast, an average individual might not want to spend their hard-earned money on such an opportunity. After all, they have other bills and other things to take care of.

The market characteristic that can be crucial for the product’s success would be for most colleges and universities to implement this program into their curriculum and offer this to students while charging them for this program in their tuition. This is the most effective method for college students because if you were to ask each student if they would like to take part in this program and they know they have to pay for this, more than 50% of college students would decline this offer. On the other hand, if this is done correctly, it will be beneficial to more students because there is a better chance they will use the tools provided to them, which in this case is CaptiVoice.

Adding this kind of course in the early stages will improve individuals reading skills, which will help them to perform better in further levels of education. Also, it will be helpful for an individual’s professional life as well. The lack of reading and reading comprehension by adults in the workforce today is incredible; only 2% of adults in the US have collegiate literacy.


Market Analysis 


There are three different companies selected as CaptiVoices competitors, all for various reasons. Despite each company’s qualities, CaptiVoice still stands out amongst its competitors for the many different features provided in their software to aid the many different disabilities commonly found in the US.


Competitors Strengths Weaknesses Pricing
Kurzweil Vital for learners, “improves reading insecurities”. Easy to copy and paste work onto Kurzweil.  Users complain that the program is difficult to use. It is expensive to acquire this program.
Read & Write Integration partners like Google Classroom, Google Doc, Google Chrome.

Supports multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, Google, Android.

Improve reading and writing confidence.

Easy to use toolbar makes documents , files and web pages more accessible.

Relying on 3rd party tools: Fragmented into many separately installed tools that depend on integration with more 3rd party tools for critical functionality (Capti, 2020) The tool is not easy to set up in schools due to its high price.
Snap & Read Well-focused user interface Supports only the Chrome browser Cheap to acquire a program; if an institution has a license, it’s even cheaper. ($0.50-$2.00 per student, annually)


PESTEL Analysis


POLITICAL In the United States, government action is quite decentralized, when compared to that of most

other nations. The American system is based on the philosophy that government must be limited, and that control of

many public functions, such as school education, must depend primarily on states and communities


X It is difficult that the country does not have a single line of command for tenas such as education, and represents a risk since it can enter some states and not others.
ECONOMIC GDP per capita is a very good indicator of living standards and in the case of the United States, in 2019, it was € 58,469 euros. This figure assumes that its inhabitants have a good standard of living, since it is ranked number 8 in the ranking of 196 countries in the GDP per capita ranking. X It is interesting to know that the United States is in 8th place out of the 190 that make up the Doing Business ranking, which classifies countries according to the ease they offer to do business.
SOCIAL In the United States, the academic year normally has about 180 school days. School holidays, again, are determined not only by federal holidays (which affect the entire country) but also by state and local holidays. Federal school vacations, and therefore those that affect the entire country,

One of the strengths of the educational system in the United States is the enormous importance of the different extracurricular activities that a student can choose during their school stage.

X For the United States, education is the key to economic growth and prosperity, as well as the generator of capabilities to compete in the global economy. It is the way to get good jobs and increase the income of Americans. It is a necessity not only for democracy to function, but also to foster cross-border and intercultural collaboration so that the most challenging problems of our time are solved.
TECHNOLOGICAL American public education requires short-term academic results, so it is very difficult to develop activities with Information and Communication Technologies, so-called ICTs. X In a society as competitive as that of the United States, education is the tool to achieve strength abroad, and for this they conceive that it is necessary to maintain a “broad and rigid” curriculum so that students can achieve success. academic. Knowing the panorama, the margin of maneuver of the teachers to vary the methodology of the class is usually scarce.
ENVIRONMENTAL Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) X This is a rapidly evolving emerging situation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance. It becomes an opportunity to incentivize the learning process virtually
LEGAL Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) X The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, and represents good news for our nation’s schools. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.

The new law builds on key areas of progress in recent years, made possible by the efforts of educators, communities, parents, and students across the country.


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