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University of Edinburgh Partial Defences for Murder & Leading Case Principles HW

Question Description

I don’t know how to handle this Law question and need guidance.
Please be sure to read and answer the question carefully. Please only reference using OSCOLA and only refer to UK law, as my University is British. Please don’t refer to US law. Please try to write in British English (it will be obvious to my lecturers otherwise). This is a University essay, therefore a certain standard will be expected. If you have any questions, please just ask.
Essay question: ”In the light of leading case principles, critically analyse the essential ingredients of partial defences for murder.”
The following learning outcomes for the module are applicable to this assignment:
1. Identify and apply the necessary elements of a crime to establish liability for specified
criminal offences;
2. Select and explain any appropriate defences which could negate/reduce criminal liability
submission Question
Your response should be 2300 words.
For the purpose of the criminal law moot presentation submission, instead of participating in a live
presentation, you need to write an assignment. You must ensure that the answer referenced properly
following the OSCOLA referencing style.
In the light of leading case principles, critically analyse the essential ingredients of partial defences for
You must make sure that you answer the question asked for the assignment using wider reading and
apply your learning to support your answer.
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