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University of Portsmouth Ethical Consideration in Research Critical Thinking Paper

Mock Paper
Answer any FOUR questions
1.You have been commissioned to do research into an extreme political group.When you arrive at the induction meeting you are required to complete a confidentiality agreement that nothing you hear will be published without the express permission of the group.
[1] What do you do?
[2] Will you still publish your results?
[3] How will you protect completely innocent members of the group when/if  you publish?
2.You have been commissioned to research the impact and role of the new digital technologies in the following business sectors:
[1] Finance
[2] Accounting
[3] Banking
[4] Pharmaceutical/Medical
[5] Legal
[6] Entertertainment
What sort of Research Philosophy is involved and what Research Method[s] will you use?
3.Describe the purpose of [Positivistic] Longitudinal Studies. Give an example when you would use a Longitudinal study.
4.Explain the differences between Probability and Non-Probability sampling.
5.What is the difference between an Argument and an Explanation? Give an example of each.
6.List the verbal clues associated with [a] reasons [b] conclusions.
7.Referring to Handout 1.Answer the question at the top of the page.

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