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Use the following information to answer the next two exercises.

Use the following information to answer the next two exercises. The

percent of licensed U.S. drivers (from a recent year) thatarefemaleis48.60.Ofthefemales,5.03%areage19andunder;81.36%areage20–64;13.61%areage65orover.Of the licensed U.S. male drivers, 5.04% are age 19 and under; 81.43% are age 20–64; 13.53% are age 65 or over.
124. Suppose that 10,000 U.S. licensed drivers are randomly selected.
a. How many would you expect to be male?
b. Using the table or tree diagram, construct a contingency table of gender versus age group.
c. Using the contingency table, find the probability that out of the age 20–64 group, a randomly selected driver is female.

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