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using this C programing code I have trouble getting an output

using this C programing code I have trouble getting an output (which

should be the solution of price with tax)… Why am I not getting an output wtih my code?

///C code
//this program will calculate the set price of an object.
//developer: UMUCstudent
//date: 25 June, 2017
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
/*variable definition: */
float set_price, price, sales_tax;
/*promt user for price */
printf(“Enter price in dollars: 253.00 \n”);
//input price
scanf(“%f”, &price);
/*prompt user for sales_tax */
printf(“enter state sales_tax: .06 \n”);
//Input sales_tax
scanf(” %f”, &sales_tax);
//calculate the sales_tax = price + (price * sales_tax);

//Input set_price
printf(“price with tax is: %f\n”, set_price);

return 0;

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