We are a local carpenter company known as WindRight, and we have been contacted by local farmers to,
We are a local carpenter company known as WindRight, and we have been contacted by local farmers to,
refurbish a total of 3 medium tool sheds. This project is projected to take about 1-2 weeks, and requires us to reconstruct everything from the foundation (wood floor), to the new shelves they want constructed inside. WindRight has set a budget of around 10 thousand dollars, which will include the cost of purchasing new wood and some extra expenses. Material is predicted to be about 2.5 thousand which includes the wood, hardware (nails), and shingles. We must outsource the repairing of roof shingles to the local roofing company, and be ready to outsource some extra help from the local job offices. After we have meet most of these needs, we must schedule the order in which we will refurbish the sheds, and how long we will take to get them to the farmer’s liking.
What is needed to make this project functional in terms of equipment, computers, cash registers, and so forth? What functionality must it have? In our example, there would be specific types of hardware required, such as 2 HP Proliant DL580 G7 high performance servers are needed for the application software program execution and database storage. This section should be three to five pages, depending on the project you selected.
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