While outsourcing has allowed Apple to reap the benefits of lower cost and more flexible manufacturing, its lack of direct control has proven to be a challenge.
While outsourcing has allowed Apple to reap the benefits of lower
cost and more flexible manufacturing, its lack of direct control has proven to be a challenge. How did Apple step in to improve working conditions at Foxconn, one of its major suppliers?
Multiple Choice
-Apple used its immense sales volume and strong cash position and preferred treatment from suppliers as leverage to induce Foxconn to increase the salaries of the 1.3 million people on its payroll
-Apple discontinued all outsourcing activities in Asia and transferred the manufacture and production of its products to low wage countries in Latin America.
-Apple discontinued its relationship with Foxconn in the best interests of Apple customers who were concerned over labor practices at the factories that manufacture the iPhone.
-Apple paid for the installation of suicide prevention nets below Foxconn’s factory windows
-Apple tightened its supplier standards and increased its efforts at monitoring conditions and enforcing its standards, such as over 700 comprehensive site audits each year to ensure compliance
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