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With Python, I am trying to get a Change Calculator. When I enter a change amount (example: 33)

With Python, I am trying to get a Change Calculator. When I enter a change amount (example: 33), the program

should display the minimum number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies that one needs to make up the specified number of cents. Assume that the user will enter a valid integer for the number of cents. The program should continue only if the user enters “y” or “Y” to continue.

Sample Output:

Change Calculator

Enter number of cents (0-99): 99

Quarters: 3

Dimes: 2

Nickels: 0

Pennies: 4

Continue? (y/n): y

Enter number of cents (0-99): 55

Quarters: 2

Dimes: 0

Nickels: 1

Pennies: 0

Continue? (y/n): n


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