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Write a 2,000 word essay about Question 1.

In particular, please note the headings we will use to give feedback on your work, ensuring that you cover these areas:
Structure and Development of argument;
Use of research/theory/literature;
Use of relevant case study and/or personal examples;
Writing style and referencing;
Understanding of concepts/ideas presented on the module.
Question 1:
Drawing on cultural theorists, analyse some of the main practical and emotional difficulties involved in working with different cultures to our own.
To approach this question, you can use any of the well-known cultural theorists that are covered on the module or in the textbook. These include G Hofstede, E T Hall, F Trompenaars, S Schwartz, , N J Holden, K Oberg, or any other well-established writers. You should select parts of their research to build up your arguments, rather than try to review all of it!
We have covered many different elements of cultural adjustment in the sessions, such as dealing with culture shock and the emotional effects of confronting different values and ethics; adjustments in our self-concepts, as well as practical areas of difference in organisations around communication, structure, management. You would be best advised to pick a few of these areas and look at them in depth.
You should give illustrations to support your arguments and can choose several short examples or one or two cultures in depth.
Assessment Criteria:
You will be assessed on:
the depth and extent of your knowledge of relevant concepts;
the depth and extent of your knowledge of relevant reading and research;
your ability to apply such knowledge to organisational and management issues;
your ability to write clearly, effectively and concisely and to reference appropriately;
your ability to draw on your experiences to understand and elaborate on concepts/theory presented.
Your ability to explore different perspectives/viewpoints and arrive at conclusions based on clear arguments.
In practice, we use the following headings in your feedback to assess the above:
Structure and Development of argument;
Use of research/theory/literature;
Use of relevant case study and/or personal examples;.
Writing style and referencing;
Understanding of concepts/ideas presented on the module.
Grading indication for essay:
80+ Most of the following: Clear evidence of independent and original thinking , exceptional evidence of reading/research, very high standard of writing and referencing; numerous examples given showing ability to. to connect theory/concepts to practical experiences/case studies in an integrative way.
70+ Most of the following: ability to compare critically different arguments/theories and arrive at some conclusion; very wide or deep use of research/reading material; the beginnings of independent/original thinking; fluently written and well-argued essay; several examples which show ability to connect theory/concepts to practical examples/case studies.
60+ Most of the following: Clear focus on question set and a well-written answer in clear English; Selective and appropriate use of research and reading material correctly referenced; Very good identification and grasp of appropriate concepts and theories; some relevant examples which connect concepts to examples
50+ Most of the following: Mostly focused on question and evidence of an attempt at logical essay structure; Some correctly referenced research material/reading used, relevant to the question set; Evidence of identification of some of the issues but largely descriptive rather than analytical; Writing and/or referencing style could be improved
40+ Most of the following: Only partially focussed on question; Little use of relevant reading/reference material and /or inadequate referencing; Descriptive rather than analytical, with ideas presented as unsupported opinions. Little exploration of concepts/ideas covered.
Failure (less than 40%) Two or more of the following: A lack of structure or understanding of question set and/or material used; substantial errors and inadequate length, evidence of serious plagiarism., lack of any evidence of reading/reflection.
Could the writer please follow the guidelines i have put for him. especially the use of any of the well-known cultural theorists that are covered in the module or in the textbook. These include G Hofstede, E T Hall, F Trompenaars, S Schwartz, , N J Holden, K Oberg, or any other well-established writers. You should select parts of their research to build up your arguments, rather than try to review all of it!
The main textbook is “French, R. (2015) (3rd ed) ?Cross Cultural Management in Work Organisations? CIPD London”.

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