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WRTG 100 Sultan Qaboos University Americans Trust Towards Public Charities Essay

Project 2 Rubric

Criteria Feedback to student
Thesis Statement

●     Thesis statement is clear, concise and contains the main points of the argument.

●     Thesis statement informs all aspects of paper.

●     Thesis statement enlightens the reader to an alternative perspective of the concept.

Evidence & Analysis

●     Uses a blend of quote, summary and paraphrase (pg. 512)

●     Sources are successfully incorporated and support the writer’s argument

●     Demonstrates understanding of various perspectives

●     Source use is accompanied by in-depth analysis (pg. 201, 505)


●     The paper clearly is organized as a rhetorical argument, with an introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion.

●     Argument flows logically and sequentially through the essay

●     Each paragraph builds on the student’s thesis.

Audience & Rhetorical Situation

●     Engages language and terminology that is accessible to audience

●     Purpose is well-defined throughout the paper

●     Argument engages with ongoing scholarly conversation

Incorporation of Feedback

●     Student demonstrates consideration for feedback received in review activities (peer review and conferences)

●     Student incorporates feedback into a revised draft


●     5-6 pages double-spaced

●     12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins

●     Utilizes [MLA] citations



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