an overview of different types of organisations and the growth of the international business environment. Explain different types and purposes of organisations; public, private and voluntary sectors

Report: Task 2 (1,500 words)
After you have completed Task 1 – then use part of the information from the task 1 to form a basis for the report in this TASK 2.
Your Report in this Task 2 must incorporate the following:

  1. Introduction: Introduction to provide an overview of different types of organisations and the growth of the international business environment. Explain different types and purposes of organisations; public, private and voluntary sectors


  1. Organisation: (a) An explanation of each of the chosen organisations (two different organisations to discuss), including: background details of the organisation; the products and services they supply; the size and scope of the organisation; their vision, mission and business objectives; the organisational and legal structure; and information about their stakeholders.

(b) Analyse how the structure, size and scope of different organisations link to the business objectives and product and services offered by the organisation.
(c) Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within an organisation and how they link to organisational structure
Organisation 1
Organisation 2

  1. The growth of the international business environment


  1. Advantages and Disadvantages: In detail, provide advantages and disadvantages of the functions for one of the chosen organisations, using an organisation chart to show how the functions interrelate and an explanation of how they relate to structure.


  1. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of interrelationships between organisational functions and the impact that can have upon organisational structure.

(a) Advantages of interrelationships between functions
(b) Disadvantages of interrelationships between functions

  1. Explain the relationship between different organisational functions and how they link to organisational objectives and structure
  2. Examples of the impact upon organisational structure (chain of command)


  1. Provide a critical analysis of the complexities of different types of business structures and the

interrelationships of the different organisational functions.
(a) Complexities of different Organisational Structures
(b) The effects of different organisational structures on the organisational functions

  1. Conclusion and Recommendations


  1. References


  1. Bibliography


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You are interested in a new job opportunity as a junior analyst and have been advised to research different organisations. You are required to investigate and explain three different types of organisations, their size and classification to highlight differences between them. This should include their legal structure, size and scope, as well as their key stakeholders (It is recommended that one of your chosen organisations is your current workplace). You are to ensure you can gather the information required to complete this assignment. One of the organisations must be a multinational.

Task 1 – Overall Word Count is 1,000 words
Reading Note for Question 1
Organisational Sectors
The private sector is the part of a country’s economic system that is run by individuals and companies, rather than the government. Most private sector organisations are run with the intention of making profit. The segment of the economy under control of the government is known as the public sector.
The public sector is usually composed of organisations that are owned and operated by the government. This includes federal, provincial, state, or municipal governments, depending on where you live.
The purpose of the voluntary sector is to improve and enrich society. It exists to create social wealth rather than material wealth. It is sometimes referred to as civil society, the third sector, the voluntary and community, non-profit, not-for-profit, charity, social and even beyond profit sector. It is made up of many different categories of activity affecting many aspects of society. The various terms are used by different people to include different combinations of activity which can be confusing. It is separate from government and exists to make a difference to society rather than to make financial profits.
Industry Sectors
There are three broad sectors of the economy:

  • The primary sector involves extracting and harvesting natural products from the earth (mining, agriculture and fishing).
  • The secondary sector consists of taking the products from the primary sector and doing something more with them.
  • The tertiary sector provides a service, such as retail services, entertainment or financial services. Some people also distinguish a fourth sector, which is made up of intellectual activities, such as education.

Organisational structures
Organisations are set up in specific ways to accomplish different goals, and the structure of an organisation can help or hinder its progress toward accomplishing these goals. Organisations large and small can achieve higher sales and other profit by properly matching their needs with the structure they use to operate. There are three main types of organisational structure: functional, divisional and matrix structure.
Multinational and International Company-What is the difference?
International companies have no foreign direct investments (FDI) and make their product or service only in their home country. In other words, they’re exporters and importers. They have no staff, warehouses, or sales offices in foreign countries.
Multinational companies cross the FDI threshold. They do not have coordinated product offerings in each country. More focused on adapting their products and service to each individual local market. Coca-Cola, Nike, McDonalds, Google and FedEx are some examples of multinational companies.
Global companies have investments in dozens of countries but maintain a strong headquarters in one, usually their home country. Generally, one corporate office that is responsible for global strategy. Emphasis on volume, cost management and efficiency.
Transnational companies are often very complex and extremely difficult to manage. They invest directly in dozens of countries and experience strong pressures both for cost reduction and local responsiveness. These companies may have a global headquarters, but they also distribute decision-making power to various national headquarters, and they have dedicated R&D activities for different national markets.
Size – A local grocery store, run by the owner and employing perhaps two further people, would be an example of a so-called micro-business (usually fewer than 5 people). A large supermarket chain with stores in multiple locations in several countries and employing dozens of people in each store, as well as many more in its headquarters, warehouses and transportation fleet, would be an example of a large multinational business. There are many medium-sized enterprises in between small and
medium-sized enterprises actually making up over 90% of the number of businesses in most countries (although they do not employ over 90% of all employees or make over 90% of all business deals). on the difference sectors on legal structures %20voluntary%20organisations.pdf -Voluntary Sector information %20voluntary%20organisations.pdf- Information on Royal Charters %20voluntary%20organisations.pdf -PLC information Information on the different functions
Scenario:  You are interested in a new job opportunity as a junior analyst and have been advised to research different organisations. You are required to investigate and explain three different types of organisations, their size and classification to highlight differences between them. This should include their legal structure, size and scope, as well as their key stakeholders (It is recommended that one of your chosen organisations is your current workplace). 
You are to ensure you can gather the information required to complete this assignment. One of the organisations must be a multinational.
Question 1: Explain the different types, size and scope of your chosen organisations?
 (Three organisations, one being a multinational)

Organisation Type/Purpose Size Scope

Reading Note for Question 2
Business Legal Structure
Businesses not only vary in size and industry but also in their ownership. Some are owned by just one person or a small group of people, some are owned by large numbers of shareholders, some are owned by charitable foundations or trusts, and some are even owned by the state. Different ownership structures overlap with different legal forms that a business can take. A business’s legal and ownership structure determines many of its legal responsibilities, including the paperwork that the owners need to complete in order to set up the business, the taxes the business has to pay, how profits from the business are distributed, and the owners’ personal responsibilities if the business makes a loss or goes bankrupt. After deciding to establish a business, you must choose the type of legal structure that best suits your business. Most small businesses start out as either a sole proprietorship or partnership, but other options may be better for your particular business.

See attached resource ‘Business Entities-Legal Structures’

Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company
Legal and ownership structures, business size and industry sector are not entirely independent of each other. For example, most sole traders tend to be small businesses, not least because a single individual rarely has the financial capacity to finance a very large business, nor the desire to be personally liable with all that they own if a large business were to run into financial issues. Certain industry sectors require large businesses. For example, it is not viable to run a small steel works because the physical and financial investment required are so large. In other cases, industry sector and legal form are closely related. For example, law firms and some other professional service firms with more than one professional working in them in the United Kingdom are legally required to be set up as partnerships and no other ownership or legal structure is permitted.
Following on from question 1:
Question 2. Explain the legal structures associated with your chosen organisations (e.g. sole traders, partnerships and private limited companies)
Analyse how the structure, size and scope of Public organisations link to the business objectives and product and services offered by the organisation.
Analyse how the structure, size and scope of Private organisations link to the business objectives and product and services offered by the organisation.
Analyse how the structure, size and scope of Voluntary organisations link to the business objectives and product and services offered by the organisation.
Reading Note for Question 3
Goals and Objectives
And at first glance, there might not be anything wrong with using the words as synonyms. They’re all focused on achievement, right? Not a big deal. But then, maybe it is important to differentiate them. Here are the definitions of each with an example:
Goals are an observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved. Goals are typically broad in scope. For example, a goal might be for an organisation to “increase profits”. Or an individual might have a goal to “become certified”.
Objectives are a specific result you’re trying to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. They’re considered more specific and easier to measure than a goal. Think of them as the steps you will take to achieve the goal. Using the examples above, a company’s objective might be to “Call all existing customers in Q3 with a special promotion to increase sales.”. For an individual, the objective might be to “Research all relevant HR certifications and register for the exam before the end of the year.”
Outcomes are the measurement and evaluation of an activity’s results against their intended or projected results. Outcomes are what you hope to achieve when you accomplish the goal. Again, using the above examples, the organisation’s outcome might be to “increase profit by 50 percent over last quarter”. That’s what the company is trying to do. For an individual, the outcome could be “get a new job” or “get a pay increase” as a result of earning a certification.
Mission Statement and Vision Statement a Mission Statement defines the company’s business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives. A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. Elements of Mission and Vision Statements are often combined to provide a statement of the company’s purposes, goals and values. The development process requires managers to:

  • Clearly identify the corporate culture, values, strategy and view of the future by interviewing employees, suppliers and customers
  • Address the commitment the firm has to its key stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders and communities
  • Ensure that the objectives are measurable, the approach is actionable, and the vision is achievable
  • Communicate the message in clear, simple and precise language
  • Develop buy-in and support throughout the organisation.

Core Values – values are the principles and ideals that bind the organisation together including the customers, employees, vendors, and all stakeholders. They are developed to frame an ethical context for the organisation, and to many they are the “ethical standards” the foundation for decision making within the organisation. All leadership must operate from the same ethical frame of reference so that decisions of one will mirror the decisions of others. Values are critically important because those who have the same value systems, or core values, tend to succeed within the organisation, while those who do not share that set of values generally do not succeed. As employees are faced with daily decision-making, the core values will serve as the guidelines. When managers’ and employees’ values do not match those of the organisation – stated or implied – the results could be turnover, decreased productivity, dissatisfaction.
Using your findings above;
Question 3. Choose one of the organisations and identify the organisational goals and objectives (values, mission and vision statement)
Reading Note for Question 4
Organisational Functions
In order to produce and sell their product or service most organisations will need to undertake 6 key functions.

  • Design and Production
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Administration
  • Research and Development.

Organisational Structure

Businesses function most efficiently when all employees understand their jobs and the proper procedures. Setting up an organisational structure helps employees understand what their roles are within the company and who to address when decisions must be made. A strong organisational structure keeps your business running smoothly with a clear plan for overcoming obstacles.

The basic function of an organisational structure is to provide a clear chain of command and define which employees report to which managers. Many companies use multiple levels of management, where an associate report to a manager who then reports to a director. The directors often report directly to the owners. The structure also shows who conducts performance evaluations for which employee: managers for associates and directors for managers, for example.
Creating an organisational structure usually helps define teams who work closely together. These teams can be organised by department type, such as accounting or marketing, or by geographic region, such as all sales and administrative staff serving the Southeast. A team can also include all staff working on a specific project or product. The structure sets the teams, which typically report to the same manager or director. This helps ensure that all the staff members on the team are working toward the same goal, have well-defined job duties and can get to know each other to help balance each other’s’ strengths and weaknesses. Please refer to reading note for further information on organisational structures.
Question 4.
(a) Explain how the organisational functions work together to achieve the organisational objectives (consider the organisational structure, hierarchal, horizontal, matrix)
(b) Provide a critical analysis of the complexities of different types of business structures and the interrelationships of the different organisational functions.

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finance -analyst report: financial statement analysis and corporate valuation"

You have to write an analyst report (book year 2018) for a corporation. The report should consist of
two parts.

  • Financial Statement Analysis

Using the table with financial ratios in BDM (Table 2.4, page 79, BDM) assess your corporation’s profitability, liquidity and solvency (multiple ratios possible). Evaluate these aspects (i) with respect to the corporation’s own past (compare with 2015, 2016 and 2017) and (ii) with respect to other US companies.
Calculate the valuation ratios to make a preliminary assessment on whether you corporation is overvalued or undervalued. Just as under the previous question, compare the valuation ratios with the three previous years for the same company as well as to other US companies.
Note: you are not supposed to put the financial statements in your report, only the outcomes of your ratio analyses.
Corporate valuation
Analyze the company’s market value of equity using the free cash flow method and the dividend discount model. In your calculation, please follow the structure of Exercise 6.2.4 in this year’s course manual.
Deliverable 1: a concisely written report in MS Word format (Times New Roman 12 pts, title page with title, name of company and id nr, name of student). Only reporting numbers without any economic interpretation is insufficient: you need to give economic interpretation to your answers and you need to shortly explain the used formulae. Desirable length of the report: 4-6 pages. If you took the course this year, please also mention your tutorial group number. In your report you comment on the used formulae and outcomes.
Deliverable 2: an excel file with the calculations for Part II (the company valuation). The excel file’s structure should be the same as under Exercise 6.2.4.
Further requirements:

  • the company is Hilton grand vacation inc.

You should use 3 years of balance sheet data for the free cash flow valuation.

 You may assume that the cost of equity is 10% and the after-tax weighted cost of capital is 8%.
  • You may also assume that the expected return on new investments is 12%.
  • Use to retrieve information as well as the corporation’s annual reports.


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Task 2B: Produce a marketing plan to meet marketing goals and objectives (use below template). The marketing plan should include all elements of the 7Ps marketing mix, with an action plan and measures for monitoring and evaluating progress and meeting of goals and objectives.

Task 2B – Marketing Plan – 1,500 words
In this task 2B: You need to produce a marketing plan based on your findings from Task 2A.
Task 2B: Produce a marketing plan to meet marketing goals and objectives (use below template). The marketing plan should include all elements of the 7Ps marketing mix, with an action plan and measures for monitoring and evaluating progress and meeting of goals and objectives.
Use one of the chosen organisations to design a strategic marketing plan that tactically applies the use of the 7Ps.
Read More:
Business Plan (Your chosen organisation name here)
Follow this Contents and use the boxes below and guidance
Your goals
Section 1: Understand your market
Section 2: Identify marketing opportunities using SWOT analysis
Section 3: Assess potential marketing channels
Section 4: Prepare the ground
Section 5: Create your marketing action plan
Your goals
Write a short description about what you aim to achieve with this marketing plan. Your goals should be SMART – specific, (x% more sales, x new customers, x website visitors), measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Revisit these goals at regular intervals to assess how your objectives are being met; it’s likely that you will need to keep fine-tuning your marketing plan as you learn more about what works.


Section 1: Understand your market
It’s vital to know your customers, your prospects and your competitors; if there are gaps in your knowledge, it may be worth spending some time and money on market research. Having accurate data is the cornerstone of every marketing plan.

  1. Who are your customers?

Describe your current customers and create a snapshot of their main characteristics – this could include their age, their lifestyle, their earnings or their location. If you sell to other businesses, it could include their job title and area of responsibility. Now look closely at what motivates them to buy from you. How you market to them will depend on their profile so gather as much information about your customers as you can; think about the best way to reach out to them and the messages they might respond to. Once you know more about your customers, you should be able to segment them into groups so that you can target them with specific messages and offers.



  1. How do your customers behave?

Unless you are starting up you will already have valuable information on the way that your customers behave. How often do they buy from you, what do they order and in what quantity? How do they interact with your business? By studying the data you should be able to identify which customer segments have the greatest potential for growth. These are the groups you should target with your marketing activity. Rank your prospects from cold to warm. Those that already know and like your business (your hottest prospects) will respond to more personal marketing approaches such as permission-based email, loyalty schemes and customer events.



  1. Who are your competitors?

List your key competitors. Your rivals might include local businesses, other experts in your field or corporate competitors with well-recognised brands. Against each competitor, explain why your customers or potential customers might choose their product/service over yours.



  1. What’s special about you?

Now focus on why customers are most likely to choose your business. List your unique selling points (USPs) and describe the brand values that underpin everything you do. What is your main selling point – value for money, quality, service, convenience?


Section 2: Identify marketing opportunities using SWOT analysis

  1. What are your strengths?

Identify the key ways in which you stand out from your competitors. Your strengths can be used to create compelling marketing messages. This could include anything from the range of products you offer or your friendly customer service to the location of your premises or your opening hours.



  1. What could you improve on?

Are there any aspects of your product/service that could be improved? Have you had any negative feedback on your products or your customer service? Are your employees doing a good job? Other internal weaknesses could include a lack of time, money, resources or expertise. You’ll need to address your weaknesses before you embark on a marketing campaign.



  1. What opportunities are out there?

Identify the important trends in your marketplace that could open up new business opportunities. Are there any gaps that your product/service could fill? Are there any additional uses for your product/service that you could exploit? Are there new markets that you could expand into or new territories that you could explore?



  1. What threats are you facing?

Think about the obstacles that could be holding you back. External threats can include changing customer behaviour and new entrants into your market or local area.


Section 3: Assess potential marketing channels

  1. Review your options

There are many ways to market your business to your customers and prospects. Some are absolutely essential; others may not be appropriate for you and your target market. Use this list to make an initial assessment of the options open to you.

Marketing channel
Questions to ask Advantages Measurement Cost
Email Have you got a good quality email list with permission to get in touch? Easy to target messages at segments; great for keeping in regular contact until customers are ready to buy Email analytics can tell you everything you need to know about who has clicked on what. Very low cost but doing it well takes time
Online marketing Are you attracting enough people to your website? SEO and pay-per-click advertising can help get your business to the top of search results Google Analytics can help you measure the success of SEO and pay-per-click activity
The cost depends on how much outside expertise you need to bring in
Social media Which social media sites are your customers using? Social media helps you build relationships with customers and widen your reach Everything is measured from followers to likes; use links and calls to action to drive traffic to your website
Social media sites are free but you have to factor in the cost of your time
Content marketing Are you promoting your expertise? Writing guides, blogs and case studies can help you build a strong reputation in your field Include links in your content and measure traffic to your website; ask customers for feedback Creating content takes time
PR Do you need to raise your profile? PR can give you exposure – whether you are looking for mentions in the business press or a local paper Measure uplifts in sales or website traffic when you have had media coverage Perseverance is the name of the game with PR so it can take time
Exhibitions and events Can you reach your customers in one place? An opportunity for face-to-face contact with lots of motivated prospects Collect data on everyone you meet, follow up on every lead and measure the results Events are very costly but they offer big rewards
Advertising Will it be seen by the right people? Advertising in the press, directories or online can help you reach your target market Monitor results from ads using dedicated email addresses, URLs and phone numbers
Costs vary
Direct mail and leafleting Could letters and flyers get your business noticed? Direct mail and flyers are making a comeback Monitor results from flyers using dedicated PO Box numbers, email and web addresses and phone numbers Potentially very cost-effective
Sponsorship Can you improve your reputation by association? Local firms can get great goodwill by sponsoring local charities or sports teams Measurement is not easy but you can monitor overall results over the course of the sponsorship
Local sponsorship can be quid pro quo – such as paying for team kit in return for a logo


  1. Match the marketing method to your target market

Now look at these marketing channels from the point of view of your customers. Which of them are most likely to be used by your audience and which are they most likely to respond to? Create a shortlist of 4-5 marketing methods to focus on. If you are looking at social media, choose just two or three social media sites to start with; you can test them out and add more as you learn what works for your business.


Section 4: Prepare the ground

  1. Create your marketing toolkit

Create the collateral to make it easy to roll out your marketing action plan in a clear and consistent way. This should include: slogans and calls to action; images and videos; “about us” wording for social media sites and press releases. Everything should be in keeping with your vision and brand values.



  1. Get ready for sales

Don’t roll out a new marketing campaign if you are not ready for the response – otherwise you risk disappointing new customers. Make sure your website is up to date and has all the necessary landing pages to handle specific traffic. Work with staff to make sure they understand the objectives of the campaign and can deal with orders and enquiries efficiently and in keeping with your brand values. It’s worth creating a sales forecast so that you can plan for the results of your marketing efforts; as you develop your strategy you’ll be able to predict future sales more accurately. List all the things you need to do to prepare for an uplift in sales here.



  1. Integrate your marketing

Ensure that all your marketing activity works together. Add social media buttons to your website; add links to online content and web landing pages on your social media sites and in your emails; prompt people to sign up to your email newsletter on your homepage. Make a list of all the ways you can connect your marketing channels here.



  1. Set a budget

How much you spend on marketing is entirely up to you. There are always marketing opportunities no matter how small a budget; the key is to agree how much you want to spend and make it go as far as possible. You can increase your budget once you know which marketing techniques are having the biggest impact. Don’t forget that your time costs money – many marketing tools such as email and social media can take up a lot of time even if they don’t have significant costs.



  1. Agree who’s doing what and by when

Establish roles and areas of responsibility with your team and specify deadlines. Also agree dates when you are going to review the activity. List key areas of responsibility here.


Section 5: Create your marketing action plan
Now use the table below to summarise your plans.

Timing Target audience Objectives Cost & time

Section 6: Review your plan
Schedule review dates so that you can measure the success of everything you do. Marketing is a learning process – use these reviews to continually fine-tune your marketing strategy.

Activity 1st review date
Measure of success at 1st review 2nd review date Measure of success at 2nd review End date Measure of success at end date

Evaluation of your business plan

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