As a Nurse, you have proposed a service improvement idea as a result of series of incident in which some residents (service users) in your workplace were rushed down to the A&E on different occasions and the issue always be the dehydration which was as a result of residents were not given enough fluid, most especially those that needed help to be able to drink. Also, no proper recording was made to show when last a resident was given drink, who are those that needs help to drink so that it can be monitored. Majority of the residents’ fluid intake chart showed there is no proper record for this. When patient did not have enough drink, this is going to lead to some serious disease and some physical health problems “such as not peeing or having very dark yellow pee, dry skin, feeling dizzy etc. This can be preventable by implementing the BLUE CARD SYSTEM where the cards is displayed on the service users’ doors especially those residents who need assistance in drinking and fluid intake will be recorded appropriately. This service improvement will allow Nurses and carers to assess the dehydration status of patients and will also enable the nurse to know who need assistance in their drinks, when last drink was given, ensure fluid intake given at appropriate time, improve resident fluid intake, improve fluid intake record in order to prevent avoidable incidents due to lack of fluid intake record.
TASKS TO DO (3000 Words)
Please show where each section has been implemented by putting number against each answer.
This task is to help you understand the practice of Service Improvement, your role as a leader within your teams and to appreciate that often the best way to achieve this is through effective interprofessional collaboration. It is also to help you develop into practitioners who actively seek to improve their service, are receptive to new ideas and can use a variety of tools and techniques to bring about improvement.
In relation to the scenario above, provide critical appraise/evaluation/justification of the following with a good recent and appropriate references
(1) First an Introduction with references to policies, professional requirements and primary research. Discuss critically:
(a) Why is collaborative working important
(b) Why is service improvement important
(c) Why is leadership important with some reference to policies, professional requirements and primary research
(2) Critically reflect on practice issues- especially those relating to improving the service user’s experience through more effective interprofessional collaboration You may wish to use a model of reflection to structure this.
(a.) Reflect on the process of planning the project
(b) Identify the learning and skills you have gained from the experience
(c) Write an account of the episode upon which you reflected
(d) Reflect on how this has contributed to your personal and professional development towards becoming a capable interprofessional (collaborative) worker through the development of an action plan.
(e) Reflect on Listening to or shadowing service users, carers and staff. What do they complain about? Are there gaps or repetition in communication for example
(f) Reflect on your leadership approach and others’ performance as collaborative workers
(g) Reflect on processes or systems within your services
(h) Reviewing feedback on teamwork and communication, for example on
(3) Critically discuss the importance of service user centred practice (i.e. that the experience of the service user should be at the centre of everything we do).
(4) (a) Evaluate how the service / practice could be improved to build the rationale for your chosen service improvement plan.
(b) Briefly reflect upon your own and others performance and / or workplace processes / systems.
(5) Discuss in relation to the scenario – HOW HAS IT MADE YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR ROLE AS A COLLABORATIVE WORKER WHO CAN PROVIDE EFFECTIVE SERVICES  – Remember It is very important to work collaboratively with other member of staff to achieve the implementation and let them know the importance of the implementation. Other can give support of this.
(6) HOW WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE OF INTERPROFESSIONAL LEARING INFULENCED YOUR ATTITUDES TO PRACTICE? – I have learnt the importance of inter professional, how to work with other professional and how different professional are important  and how to respect each other , to work collaboratively to deliver good  and quality care for the patients.
(7) (a) Critically analyse models of leadership and skills to select and use appropriately within an interprofessional context to ensure positive engagement with all stakeholders and facilitate a positive change within a service context. Consider at least 2 leadership models in depth not just describe several as follows:
(b) Use examples of good and poor collaborative working in practice and the leadership styles you saw.
(c) Reflect on personal skills and attributes you have or need to gain to be the collaborative worker and leader you want to be.
(8)(a) Critically evaluate approaches to service delivery through engaging with practice based experiences;
(b) Critically evaluate issues concerning service improvement and service delivery.
(c) Evaluate principles of service improvement
(9) (a) Justify and employ appropriate strategies for improving the quality of practice which contributes to the development and delivery of safe and effective services for service users and carers.
(b) Proposed enhancement of the service which are feasible and likely to result in service improvement for the benefit of users of service.
(c) Discuss how the service can be sustainably improved.
(10) Using a variety of approaches, reflect upon your learning and critically appraise your own performance as a collaborative worker; using the Interprofessional Capability Framework, identify key issues in your personal and professional development for your transition from student to an effective collaborative worker within evolving and complex health, social and educational services.
(11) Self-analysis of your development as an interprofessional collaborative worker incorporating leadership skills required for effective collaborative practice.

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Mental Health Stigma (3,000 words)

Mental Health Stigma (3,000 words)
Please do not use blog/thesis. I want writing from Journal & Research Articles only and with recent References

  1. What is Stigma in relations to mental health (with at least 4 references)


  1. (a) Define and explain Public Stigma (with at least 4 references)

(b) Identify and explain each factor (minimum 10) associated with Public Stigma as a barrier to help-seeking for mental health services (with at least 10 references)
(c) What are influence of the factors identify in 2(b) as a barrier when seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (with at least 10 references)

  1. (a) Define and explain Self – Stigma (with at least 4 references)

(b) Identify and explain each factor (minimum 10) associated with Self- stigma as a barrier to help-seeking for mental health services (with at least 10 references)
(c) What are influence of the factors identify in 2(b) as a barrier when seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (with at least 10 references)

  1. (a) Which of the Stigma type (Public or Self Stigma) act as a barrier over others to seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community members. (with at least 10 references)

(b) Why is it so (with at least 10 references)

  1. Conclusion with regards Which of the Stigma type (Public or Self Stigma) act as a barrier over others to seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) (with at least 10 references)


  1. Recommendation for intervention to reduce the Stigma type (Public or Self Stigma) which act as a barrier over others to seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) (with at least 10 references)
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PART B: literature review on the Ethical Leadership ‘perspective’ Case Study on “Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis”.

Feedback from PART A:
A very good demonstration of wide range of reading. you have brought together lots of elements from within the literature that ties up well. but some parts are very descriptive which is often a possibility when dealing with such vast areas of literature.
I like the signposting that part B will argue that the failure of VW was due to its company execs’ inability to embrace ethical leadership. i am curious to read that!
overall good with more focus on critical literature.
This expects you to write a 3500-word essay on the chosen case study from PART A. This Part B is building upon what you have wrote in Part A
You are expected to use the literature from PART 1 and any additional literatures (with developments/improvements made to it on the basis of the feedback received); apply it to the chosen Case study in PART A and make some robust recommendations.
Case Study:
This is a case study-based literature review on the ‘perspective’ on “Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis”.
Please note: A brief overview of this Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis, from media sources, is provided to you. The case details provided will not and is not enough at all for this task to do. Please dig up more details of the chosen case yourself which will guide you to develop an excellent perspective on Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis.
From BBC News (10 December 2015) Volkswagen the scandal explained : In September 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that many VW cars being sold in America had a “defeat device” – or software – in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
VW has had a major push to sell diesel cars in the US, backed by a huge marketing campaign trumpeting its cars’ low emissions. The EPA’s findings cover 482,000 cars in the US only, including the VW-manufactured Audi A3, and the VW models Jetta, Beetle, Golf and Passat. But VW has admitted that about 11 million cars worldwide, including eight million in Europe, are fitted with the so-called “defeat device”.
The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models. VW has denied the claims, which affect at least 10,000 vehicles.
In November, VW said it had found “irregularities” in tests to measure carbon dioxide emissions levels that could affect about 800,000 cars in Europe – including petrol vehicles. However, in December it said that following investigations, it had established that this only affected about 36,000 of the cars it produces each year. (see link below for full story)
Volkswagen Fined 1bn Euros by German Prosecutors:
How Volkswagen tried to cover up the emissions scandal (BBC news, 05 May 2018)
Only 3 web based news links provided. Please use google scholar and/or BU Library databases to find more information on scholarly articles on this debacle. Also, use multiple news and current affairs sources to throw more light on the scandal.
(a) You need to view the case from the perspective of ‘Ethical Leadership’.
(b) You need to choose theoretical perspective you wish to use as ‘lenses’ to view your case (We have chosen from PART A – utilitarian theory perspective)
(c) You need to explain critically the relevant details of the case; providing academic justification for choosing the perspective you have adopted
(d) Please use headings and sub-headings in the write up and write this assignment in the third person (i.e. you do not use ‘I’ or ‘we’).
Answer the following:

  1. You need to explore leadership theories and followership concepts.
  2. Critique the nature of leadership and distinguish between leadership and management.
  3. You need to consider the nature of leadership, leadership versus management, power, politics and conflict, and various traditional and contemporary models and perspectives of leadership.
  4. You need to discuss contextual issues such as the impact of the global business context, gender, ethics, diversity and cross-cultural aspects of leadership.
  5. Identify and critically evaluate the major theoretical approaches to leadership and discuss how these can be applied in practice with reference to leader power and influence.
  6. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the practical and theoretical aspects of leadership in global contexts.
  7. Critically analyse the ethical, organisational, social and environmental challenges and constraints faced by today’s global organisations and their implications for future leadership practices.
  8. You need to provide recommendations for the future. Analyse, using ONLY secondary data and the literature used and present

You must follow the pattern below for PART BPlease use headings and sub-headings in the write up and write this assignment in the third person (i.e. you do not use ‘I’ or ‘we’).

  • This is the section where you will provide a brief overview of the chosen case.
  • Provide a brief overview and justification for the chosen academic theoretical perspective you wish to adopt to study Case
  • Briefly outline the challenges of leadership in that particular case.
  • Provide a statement of Aim and a maximum of 3 statements of objectives for your study.
  • This section will be of 500 words

Literature review:

  • Literature review should be critical in its focus.
  • Whichever theoretical leadership perspective you adopt to study the case at hand, you will undertake a thorough review of the extant literature around it to make robust arguments and critique of the literature.
  • This section is significant in that it provides the underpinning for your entire study. If the literature is strong the outcomes, analyses and recommendations will be strong too.
  • This section has a word count of 900


  • As this is a case study therefore the expectation of this section, briefly, is for you to demonstrate, using methodology e-books available,
  • your understanding of what a case study is and
  • what are the salient features of a case study based work.
  • This section ought not to be too detailed and is limited to 500 words approx

Findings and discussion:

  • This section/chapter is expected to bring together your empirical evidence with literature findings to create a narrative which ought to shed some light into the leadership challenge identified
  • This is your opportunity to make a big impact with your own informed interpretation of the case details and the extant and existing literature.
  • What are the key findings from the literature and what do they guide you towards, in terms of using the literature to study your case at hand.
  • This section is of 900 words

Conclusions and Recommendations:

  • propose recommended solutions.
  • You are expected to make recommendations for academic research (where can your findings lead the next researcher to);
  • industry (what is your opinion on how to mitigate/reduce the negative impact of such leadership failings, if any and/or
  • how to strengthen/reinforce the positives of great leadership, with examples, if any)
  • This section is of 500 words

Limitations of the study

  • Provide a section on limitations of the study.
  • This may include limitations of information access; literature limitations; word count limitations; methodology limitations etc.
  • This section is of 200 words
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PART A: literature review on the Ethical Leadership ‘perspective’ Case Study on “Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis”.

This work is 2 Parts:  Part A – 1500 AND Part B – 3,500 (this Part B will build upon Part A)
1500 words on literature review on the Ethical Leadership ‘perspective’ Case Study
(Please use only valid literature that comes from a variety of sources: textbooks; journal articles, peer reviewed journals. Do not use blog or thesis or dissertation as reference)
Case Study:
This is a case study-based literature review on the ‘perspective’ on “Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis”.
Please note: A brief overview of this Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis, from media sources, is provided to you. The case details provided will not and is not enough at all for this task to do. Please dig up more details of the chosen case yourself which will guide you to develop an excellent perspective on Volkswagen ‘Dieselgate’ crisis.
From BBC News (10 December 2015) Volkswagen the scandal explained : In September 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that many VW cars being sold in America had a “defeat device” – or software – in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
VW has had a major push to sell diesel cars in the US, backed by a huge marketing campaign trumpeting its cars’ low emissions. The EPA’s findings cover 482,000 cars in the US only, including the VW-manufactured Audi A3, and the VW models Jetta, Beetle, Golf and Passat. But VW has admitted that about 11 million cars worldwide, including eight million in Europe, are fitted with the so-called “defeat device”.
The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models. VW has denied the claims, which affect at least 10,000 vehicles.
In November, VW said it had found “irregularities” in tests to measure carbon dioxide emissions levels that could affect about 800,000 cars in Europe – including petrol vehicles. However, in December it said that following investigations, it had established that this only affected about 36,000 of the cars it produces each year. (see link below for full story)
Volkswagen Fined 1bn Euros by German Prosecutors:
How Volkswagen tried to cover up the emissions scandal (BBC news, 05 May 2018)
Only 3 web based news links provided. Please use google scholar and/or BU Library databases to find more information on scholarly articles on this debacle. Also, use multiple news and current affairs sources to throw more light on the scandal.
(a) You need to view the case from the perspective of ‘Ethical Leadership’.
(b) You need to choose theoretical perspective you wish to use as ‘lenses’ to view your case
(c) You need to explain critically the relevant details of the case; providing academic justification for choosing the perspective you have adopted
(d) Please use headings and sub-headings in the write up and write this assignment in the third person (i.e. you do not use ‘I’ or ‘we’).
Answer the following:

  1. You need to explore leadership theories and followership concepts.
  2. Critique the nature of leadership and distinguish between leadership and management.
  3. You need to consider the nature of leadership, leadership versus management, power, politics and conflict, and various traditional and contemporary models and perspectives of leadership.
  4. You need to discuss contextual issues such as the impact of the global business context, gender, ethics, diversity and cross-cultural aspects of leadership.
  5. Identify and critically evaluate the major theoretical approaches to leadership and discuss how these can be applied in practice with reference to leader power and influence.
  6. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the practical and theoretical aspects of leadership in global contexts.
  7. Critically analyse the ethical, organisational, social and environmental challenges and constraints faced by today’s global organisations and their implications for future leadership practices.
  8. You need to provide recommendations for the future. Analyse, using ONLY secondary data and the literature used and present

You can follow this pattern – Please use headings and sub-headings in the write up and write this assignment in the third person (i.e. you do not use ‘I’ or ‘we’).

  • Introduce the academic perspective you have chosen
  • justify why this perspective is important, interesting and relevant to use to study the case you have chosen and then
  • There is no need to provide details of the chosen case yet. It is sufficient at this stage to indicate which case you have chosen and what academic perspective you will use as ‘lenses’ to study it

Literature review:

  • Undertake thorough and critical literature review using valid sources
  • Use seminal articles as well as recent developments of academic research in the extant field
  • This section will highlight what would potentially be your academic contribution of the entire study


  • What are the key findings from the literature and what do they guide you towards, in terms of using the literature to study your case at hand.
  • Outline the next steps you will undertake to engage in the case study for Part B
  • Use mind maps/diagrammatic representation/ flowcharts etc. to show the reader how the project will progress.

(please note: Wikipedia/blogs, thesis/dissertation are not valid sources of information; you may, however, refer to practitioner type of articles and/or news if relevant)
Remember, this Part A task of 1,500 will be use for the Part B task of 3,500 words.

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