Question 1
Low Carb Diet Supplement Inc. has two divisions. Division A has a profit of $156,000 on sales of $2,010,000. Division B is only able to make $28,800 on sales of $329,000.  Based on the profit margins (returns on sales), which division is superior.
Question 3
Polly Esther Dress Shops Inc. can open a new store that will do an annual sales volume of $837,900. It will turn over its assets 1.9 times per year. The profit margin on sales will be 8 percent. What would net income and return on assets (investment) be for the year?
Question 15
Using the Du Pont method, evaluate the effects of the following relationships for the Butters Corporation.
a.       Butters Corporation has a profit margin of 7 percent and its return on assets (investment) is 25.2 percent. What is its assets turnover?
a.       If the Butters Corporation has a debt-to-total-assets ratio of 50%, what would the firm’s return on equity be?
a.       If the Butters Corporation has a debt-to-total-assets ratio of 50%, what would the firm’s return on equity be?
a.       What would happen to return on equity if the debt-to-total-assets ratio decreased to 35%?
Question 19
Martin Electronics has an accounts receivable turnover equal to 15 times.  If accounts receivable are equal to $80,000, what is the value for average daily credit sales?
Question 21
Jim Short’s Company makes clothing for schools. Sales in 2013 were $4,820,000. Assets were as follows:
Cash: ———————————- $163,000
Accounts Receivable: —————-$889,000
Inventory: —————————-$411,000
Net Plant and Equipment———-$520,000

Total Assets————-$1,983,000

a.       Compute the following:
a.       In 2014, sales increased to $5,740,000 and the assets for that year were as follows:
Cash ———————————–$163,000
Accounts Receivable—————–$924,000
Net Plant and Equipment ———– $520,000

Total Assets ————————— $2,670,000


Compute the four ratios


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Part A research proposal 70 marks
Student number,
Seminar group
Seminar Tutor’s name:
If these are not present, your mark will be capped at 40, as you have not followed the assignment brief.
Introduction (180 words, 20%)
This should clearly state your choice of dissertation topic, enterprise idea or marketing challenge and provide a clear rationale for your choice.
 It should include a clear statement of the aim and objectives of the research, or central research question and 2-3 sub-questions, which will answer the main question: remember for dissertations these must include the term ‘criticality’
A suitable context and background to the topic, idea or challenge under investigation, and include a non-technical summary of your proposed methodology this non-technical summary can be copied and pasted into the relevant section of the ethics form
Review of the Literature / Secondary Research (420 words, 30%)
This should be a critical overview of relevant existing literature / secondary research. 
For dissertation proposals, you should identify the key themes, theories, concepts, ideas, issues and debates in your chosen field; compare and contrast different authors’ views on your chosen topic; and highlight gaps in the existing literature.  Your literature review should be based primarily on peer-reviewed academic journal papers, but you can also draw on professional / trade literature and market reports (e.g. Mintel).
For enterprise and marketing proposals, you should offer insight into the macro environment; identify key market trends; and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen market or organisation.  Your secondary research should be based primarily on professional / trade literature and market reports (e.g. Mintel), but you must also draw on academic concepts and literature.
Research Design (800 words, 40%)
This section should set out your proposed research methodology and plan for collecting primary data, and should follow on logically from the aim and objectives (or research questions) outlined in your introduction.  You should include details of your proposed:

  • research philosophy
  • research design
  • sampling choices
  • data collection methods
  • data analysis techniques

You should compare and contrast different approaches and justify your methodological choices drawing on academic literature on research methods. 
Presentation and Structure (10%)
The proposal needs to be coherent and well written with a clear logic and structure. Use report style format with appropriate headings and sub-headings. Use page numbers and number tables and figures.  Include a list of references using the Harvard Referencing system. 
Please ensure that you cite a minimum of 5 credible sources including academic literature on research methods.
Your proposal section should 1,400 words in length (+/- 10%) excluding the list of references and annexes.

Part B

Task: 30 marks
This assignment asks to complete an Ethical Approval Form for the research project proposed in WRIT1.  A copy of the form is included as an appendix to this document (600 word equivalent)
Part One (15%)
You should complete all relevant boxes, including a non technical summary of the project in no more than 150 words. (THAT IS DO NOT WRITE MORE THAN 150 WORDS)
Part Two (35%)
You should describe the research design to be used in your project including (as appropriate) details of your proposed research method(s), sample and sampling, how you will recruit participants, and techniques for analysing the data (A3).
You should provide a brief summary of what previous experience you have of research involving human participants (B1).
And you should outline what potential risks you foresee, including risks to participants, you as the researcher, the University and the project as a whole (C1); and explain how you will deal with each potential risk.
Information Sheets, Consent Forms and/or Letters (25%)
You should include of at least one of the following supporting ethical documents as an appendix:

  • Participant Information Sheet and Participant Consent Form for an Interview and/or Focus Group
  • Letter asking undertake research within an organisation and/or for confidential information

Data Collection Instruments (25%)
You should also include examples of at least one of the following data collection instruments as an appendix:

  • Interview Guide for an Interview and/or Focus Group
  • Draft Questionnaire
  • Guide or Coding Schedule for collecting data through observation
  • Guide or Coding Schedule for collecting secondary data

Please ensure that you follow the Cardiff School of Management Ethics Exemplar Pack when completing the Application Form and accompanying documents.
Please note also that you should not carry out any primary data collection at this stage or submit the Ethical Approval Form for approval by the Ethics Committee.
When undertaking a research or enterprise project, Cardiff Met staff and students are obliged to complete this form in order that the ethics implications of that project may be considered.
If the project requires ethics approval from an external agency (e,g., NHS), you will not need to seek additional ethics approval from Cardiff Met.  You should however complete Part One of this form and attach a copy of your ethics letter(s) of approval in order that your School has a record of the project.
The document Ethics application guidance notes will help you complete this form.  It is available from the Cardiff Met website. The School or Unit in which you are based may also have produced some guidance documents, please consult your supervisor or School Ethics Coordinator.
Once you have completed the form, sign the declaration and forward to the appropriate person(s) in your School or Unit.
Participant recruitment or data collection MUST NOT commence until ethics approval has been obtained.


Name of applicant: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor (if student project): Click here to enter text.
School / Unit: Click here to enter text.
Student number (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Programme enrolled on (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Project Title: If using a working title, it should convey what the project is about
Expected start date of data collection: Click here to enter a date.
Approximate duration of data collection: Click here to enter text.
Funding Body (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Other researcher(s) working on the project: If your collaborators are external to Cardiff Met, include details of the organisation they represent.
Will the study involve NHS patients or staff? If yes, attach a copy of your NHS application to this form
Will the study involve human samples and/or human cell lines? Choose an item.


Does your project fall entirely within one of the following categories:
Paper based, involving only documents in the public domain Choose an item.
Laboratory based, not involving human participants or human samples Choose an item.


Practice based not involving human participants (eg curatorial, practice audit) Choose an item.
Compulsory projects in professional practice (eg Initial Teacher Education) Choose an item.
A project for which external approval has been obtained (e.g., NHS) Choose an item.
If you have answered YES to any of these questions, expand on your answer in the non-technical summary. No further information regarding your project is required.
If you have answered NO to all of these questions, you must complete Part 2 of this form


In no more than 150 words, give a non-technical summary of the project
Click here to enter text.


I confirm that this project conforms with the Cardiff Met Research Governance Framework
I confirm that I will abide by the Cardiff Met requirements regarding confidentiality and anonymity when conducting this project.
STUDENTS: I confirm that I will not disclose any information about this project without the prior approval of my supervisor.
Signature of the applicant:
Name of supervisor:
Signature of supervisor:


Research Ethics Committee use only
Decision reached: Project approved
Project approved in principle
Decision deferred
Project not approved
Project rejected
Project reference number: Click here to enter text.
Name: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.
Details of any conditions upon which approval is dependant:
Click here to enter text.


A1 Will you be using an approved protocol in your project? Choose an item.
A2 If yes, please state the name and code of the approved protocol to be used[1]
Click here to enter text.
A3 Describe the research design to be used in your project
In this section, include details (as appropriate) of:
– research method(s);
– sample and sampling;
– recruitment of participants;
– analytical techniques
If your project does involve the use of an approved protocol, much less detail will be required but you should indicate which areas of the project are covered by the protocol.
A4 Will the project involve deceptive or covert research? Choose an item.
A5 If yes, give a rationale for the use of deceptive or covert research
Click here to enter text.
A6 Will the project have security sensitive implications? Choose an item.
A7 If yes, please explain what they are and the measures that are proposed to address them
Click here to enter text.


B1 What previous experience of research involving human participants relevant to this project do you have?
Click here to enter text.
B2 Student project only
What previous experience of research involving human participants relevant to this project does your supervisor have?
Click here to enter text.


C1 What potential risks do you foresee?
Include details of risks to the participants, the researcher and the project as a whole.
C2 How will you deal with the potential risks?
Click here to enter text.

When submitting your application you MUST attach a copy of the following:

  • All information sheets
  • Consent/assent form(s)

An exemplar information sheet and participant consent form are available from the Research section of the Cardiff Met website.
Project summary
The purpose of this research project is to…. EXPLAIN THE REASONING BEHIND YOUR RESEARCH
Your participation will enable the collection of data, which will form part of a study being undertaken at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Why have you been asked to participate?
You have been asked to participate because you fit the profile of the population being studied;
Your participation is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time.
Project risks
The research involves the completion of  INSERT YOUR CHOSEN DATA GATHERING TOOL HERE and which will be recorded for later analysis.
We are not seeking to collect any sensitive data on you; this study is only concerned with INSERT RESEARCH AREA HERE:
We do not think that there are any significant risks associated with this study. However, if you do feel that any of the questions are inappropriate then you can stop at any time. Furthermore, you can change your mind and withdraw from the study at any time – we will completely respect your decision.
How we protect your privacy
All the information you provide will be held in confidence. We have taken careful steps to make sure that you cannot be directly identified from the information given by you. Your personal details (e.g. signature on the consent form) will be kept in a secure location by the research team. When we have finished the study and analysed all the information, the documentation used to gather the raw data will be destroyed except your signed consent form which will be held securely for 5 years.  The recordings of the focus groups/ interview will also be held in a secure and confidential environment during the study and destroyed after 5 years.
If you require any further information about this project then please contact:
Andrew Nother, Cardiff Metropolitan University REPLACE THESE WITH YOUR DETAILS
Cardiff Metropolitan University email:
Amend to include principle researcher’s details
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Ethics Committee
Cardiff Metropolitan University Ethics Reference Number:
Participant name or Study ID Number:
Name of Researcher: PLACE YOUR NAME HERE
Participant to complete this section:                                 Please initial each box.

  1. I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above study. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily. [  ]


  1. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason.                                                             [  ]


  1. I agree to take part in the above study. [  ]


  1. I agree to the interview / focus group / consultation being recorded                   [  ]

Yes         No

  1. I agree to the use of anonymised quotes in publications                         [  ]        [  ]


  1. I would like my organisations’ name to be anonymised in all publications

[  ]       [  ]
_______________________________________   ___________________
Signature of Participant                                                                      Date
_______________________________________  ___________________
Name of person taking consent                                                        Date
Signature of person taking consent
* When completed, 1 copy for participant & 1 copy for researcher site file
[1] An Approved Protocol is one which has been approved by Cardiff Met to be used under supervision of designated members of staff; a list of approved protocols can be found on the Cardiff Met website here

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What are the variables which influence the consumer decision making process for millennials in purchasing athleisure wear?

Part 1
What are the variables which influence the consumer decision making process for millennials in purchasing athleisure wear?
Critically analyse the decision-making process of millennials in purchasing athleisure wear?
What makes them buy one brand over another brand?
Critically evaluate the market in an athleisure wear?
Critically investigate the purchases of millennials of athleisure wear?
What influences their decision-making purchases?
Part 2
Define athleisure wear – article reference
Size of market?
Volume – how much is it worth?
Why is it trending?
How does Celebrity endorse effect the decision-making process?
Main brands?
Part 3
Creating theory – inductive
Quality + quotative
Survey for millennials
Why buy athleisure wear
What do they buy?
What views on brands
Interview or focus group
Millennials in depth interviewing what they buy
Sampling non proverbiality
Analysis – quant and systematic
Part B
Fill in ethics form
Change consent form
Change information sheet
Add interview questions and survey

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As Part Of Your Role As A Human Resources Manager, You Will Be Dealing With Grievance: Human Resource Management (HRM) Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Human Resource Management (HRM)

Assignment Overview:

As part of your role as a human resources manager, you will be dealing with grievance and performance management.
Please discuss using the following headings.

  • Critically discuss the theoretical concepts around HRM to include evolution, nature, scope, and goals of HRM
  • Critically discuss the overall relevance of strategic HRM to organizational performance and business strategy

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  • Discuss and critically analyze effective grievance and disciplinary procedures within your organization
  • Discuss the benefits of performance management and formulate performance management systems for roles within your organization giving a rationale for your choice of systems
  • Start with general introduction Main Body: use the four headings above Finish with a conclusion
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