Write A Marketing Media Plan And Digital Marketing Plan For Your Brand: Social Media Marketing Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Social Media Marketing


Write a marketing media plan and digital marketing plan for your brand.

You must choose one of the following Irish brands and devise a marketing plan for the launch of a new product/service onto the Irish market.
Choose from ONE of the following Irish brands;

  • Cut and Sew Barbers
  • Therapie Clinic
  • Green Angel Skincare
  • Fulfil Nutrition Bars
  • Keoghs Crisps
  • Showergem
  • All Together Now Festival
  • Boojum Restaurants

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Included in this plan should be;
Situational Analysis

  • Conduct research into a suitable product/service
    • Support your response with suitable secondary research and a basic literature/trade review of its industry
  • Identify and review two direct competitors showing an understanding of each organisation’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Examine the external environment and its potential impact on the brand/organisation

Marketing Plan

  • Present your new product/service in terms of the 4 P’s
    • Product – clearly state what the new product will be and who is its target audience
    • Pricing – Briefly outline a suitable pricing strategy and justify it
    • Place (Distribution) – Briefly outline your plan to get the product into the marketplace
    • Promotion – Create 2 adverts to communicate to customers
    1. One advert for traditional media
    2. One advert for social media/
    3. Using www.Canva.com or similar

Digital Marketing Plan

  • You must complete the Google Certified Online course in Fundamentals in Digital Marketing
  • This is completed in your own time (up to 40 hours – average 20 hours)
  • You sit an online exam when you have completed the modules (at a time of your choosing)
    1. It takes an average of three attempts to pass
    2. If you sit the exam and fail, you must wait approx. 12 hours to resit
    3. Give yourself adequate time to complete and sit an exam
  • Attach a screenshot of your completed exam to your report

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MKCM4002: Develop A Marketing Communication Plan For Joe’s & Bro’s: Marketing Communications Assignment

University Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Subject MKCM4002: Marketing Communications

Question: You are required to develop a marketing communication plan for Joe’s & Bro’s, Cork City.

Your budget is €50,000 (excludes VAT and agency fees). You must include actual quotations.
The criteria for this plan will include the following:
1. Organizational background
2. Situation analysis (SWOT)
3. Description of product/service/organization that will be considered in the marketing communications plan
4. Marketing and communication objectives
5. Target market research and consumer profiling highlighting media preferences

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6. Develop and justify appropriate communication strategies which highlight:

  • choice of promotional tools
  • message strategy
  • media strategy
  • scheduling of plan (time chart)
  • budgeting techniques
  • Evaluation and control methods

Your project should also contain the following:

  1. An appendix including any relevant research materials and/or documents designed for this plan
  2. Inclusion of appropriate academic references sourced consistently
  3. A rationale justifying the marketing communications plan to acknowledge how this plan fits into the chosen organization’s current overall strategy.
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Conduct A Digital Marketing Audit (Situational Analysis) Of A Company: Digital Marketing Assignment

University Dublin City University (DCU)
Subject Digital Marketing

Assignment Structure

A. Firstly the student is required to conduct a Digital Marketing Audit (situational analysis) of a company chosen by the student (and approved by the Programme Chair) for analysis. This section should be in the region of 1500 — 2000 words in length and will form Section A of the final report.

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B. Section B is a Digital Marketing Strategy based on the situational analysis in Section A and should be in the region of 2500-3000 words in length. This section should include proposals on tactics, actions, and control that arise from the recommended strategy. The word count excludes the executive summary, references, appendices, table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables.

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Select A Company And Explore The Impact Of Existing And Future Technologies: Digital Marketing Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Digital Marketing



In Assignment 1 (research assignment), students must select a company and explore the impact of existing and future technologies on its target audience and industry. Using these insights, students will then create a tailored digital marketing strategy for the business in assignment 2.


In assignment 1, you will gain an insight into the key digital technologies relevant to your target audience and industry, how they evolved, their impacts, and future direction. You are required to undertake a significant piece of research exploring the evolution and impact of digital technologies on your target audience and industry.
The report on this research is to be written for an audience such as the senior management of your organization and should conform to the mandatory assignment structure outlined in the table below. Using what you have learned during the program, and carrying out your own research, you will provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of digital technologies (such as growth in online access, devices, websites, apps, etc.).

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The purpose of Assignment 2 – Digital Marketing Strategy is to build on the insights gained in the first assignment and produce a digital strategy, implementation plan, and an on-going management plan for the organization’s digital activities. In the form of a report, we need to demonstrate the ability to prepare and articulate a well-founded business case for the implementation of the digital marketing strategy as an integrated strand of the organization’s marketing and communications.

  • Typically, references and appendices section will be approx. 5 pages in length, but there is no upper or lower limit.
  • Using the Harvard referencing system, reference your sources within the main body of your assignment. Provide a reference list, of all the sources that you have referenced in the text of your assignment. For example, references should cover: where you got the data for your research, the target audience and customer base, and anything else considered relevant. You may include links to external/online videos or audio in the main body and the reference/appendix if they apply to the context of the assignment.  Try to use reliable quality sources of information. If referencing key insights or data, use images and screenshots of websites, etc.

An appendix is a set of materials used to support the analysis of arguments in your assignment. For important information (such as personas) include them in the main body of the assignment, the appendix is for further information or supporting evidence/research, etc.  Include an appendix within your main assignment document or as an attachment.  Any

  • Appendix material should be referred to within the main report. Remember that the information in the appendices can only earn the maximum marks available for this section. Key sections such as your Personas, Reach/Value matrix, SWOT, PESTEL, RACE, Action plan, Content Calendar, and Budget MUST be included in the main body and more detailed versions can be added to appendices if required.
  • For example, in the appendices you can include:
    • A more detailed summary of the organization.
    • Your survey questions, answers, and key highlights/findings.
    • Screenshots such as analytics/insights platforms, websites, social media accounts, email campaigns, social media posts, digital display adverts, etc. If your screenshots/images are in a foreign language you must include a short description in English
    • Images including graphs, charts, trends, etc.
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