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Music HW 1

Beethoven’s sixteen __________ are generally considered among the greatest music ever composed. -string quartets2.What is a symphony? -a sonata for an orchestra3.What following technique did Beethoven use more extensively in his late works? -fugal counterpoint4.Composers in the classical period took middle-class tastes into account by doing what? -All answers are correct5.Public concerts presented by the Concert des Amateursin Paris in the 1770s were conducted by ______. -Saint-Georges6.Which of the following statements is nottrue? –The opening movement of a classical symphony is almost always slow and in ABA form.7.We have a record of Beethoven’s struggle with his musical material because he did what? –Showed his workflow in musical sketchbooks8.Although Haydn spent most of his time in Hungary, he often traveled to ________, where his music was performed often and greatly admired. -London9.A major factor that distinguishes chamber music from the symphony or concerto is that chamber music ______. -is performed by one player per part10.Which of the following was notone of Haydn’s duties while in the service of the Esterházys? –Writing a cantata each week for Sunday services11.How should the sonata form be viewed as? –A set of principles that serve to shape and unify contrasts of theme and key12.Which of the following statements is nottrue? –A typical sequence of movements in a classical concerto is fast, slow, dance-related, fast13.The movement of a symphony that is often patterned after a dance is the ______. -third14.A brilliant solo section in a concerto designed to display the performer’s virtuosity is called ______. -a cadenza15.The main theme of the rondo does what? -usually in the tonic key16.Because of its character, the rondo most often serves as a ______. -finale17.A classical concerto greatly relies on a soloist’s ______. -virtuosity18.Haydn’s contract of employment shows that he was considered ______. -skilled servant19.The most important form of classical chamber music is the ______. -string quartet20.The main theme in a rondo movement is usually ______. –lively, pleasing, and simple to remember21.Which of the following statements is nottrue? –Like Haydn and many other composers of the classical period, Beethoven depended on the aristocracy for hisfinancial well-being.22.Political and economic power shifted to the middle class from the aristocracy and the ______. -church23.Which of the following characteristics is nottypical of the music of the classical period? –Classical music is basically polyphonic.24.The preclassical period roughly encompassed the years ______. -1730-177025.A _____________ is a musical composition that is usually light in mood, and meant for evening entertainment. -serenade26.Beethoven’s only opera is entitled ______. -Fidelio27.What is a symphony? -All answers are correct
28.Which of the following statements is nottrue of the music of the classical period? –The basso continuo was the nucleus of the instrumenta
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